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  • European Commission
  1. 这个课程是欧洲委员会部分资助的。

    The course is part funded by the European Commission .

  2. 欧洲委员会裁定英国航空航天公司应该偿还数千万英镑。

    The European Commission ruled that British Aerospace should pay back tens of millions of pounds .

  3. 首相今天发现了一个令他意外的盟友,即欧洲委员会主席雅克·德洛尔。

    The Prime Minister found a surprise ally today in the shape of Jacques Delors , the Commission President

  4. 欧洲委员会(EuropeanCommission)和其他监管机构继续就此问题展开调查。

    The European Commission and other regulators continue to investigate the issue .

  5. 欧洲委员会(EuropeanCommission)上周五公布了冬季预测。

    The European Commission ( EC ) published its winter projections Friday .

  6. 目前,欧洲委员会(europeancommission)仍为经济自由主义者把持。

    At the moment the European Commission is still in the hands of economic liberals .

  7. 它受到了欧洲委员会(EC)和哈里利亚纳邦政府的支持。

    It is supported by the European Commission ( EC ) and the Haryana state government .

  8. 与此同时,欧洲委员会(EuropeanCommission)称,为保证公共健康,西班牙召回了两个著名品牌的中国牙膏。

    Meanwhile , Spain withdrew two leading brands of Chinese-made toothpaste because of a risk to public health , the European Commission said .

  9. AnthonyDworkin是欧洲委员会外交关系问题的分析人员。

    Anthony Dworkin is an analyst for the European Council on Foreign Relations .

  10. 文中还就欧洲委员会(EC)近期为了推进整体传播,以及科学传播所开展的活动进行了介绍。

    Recent initiatives have been taken by the European Commission ( EC ) in improving communication in general and science communication in particular .

  11. 欧洲委员会(EuropeanCommission)批准了欧洲银行资本重组计划,是因为银行在改经济体中的关键作用&只要信贷量有所增加,那就证明政府干涉是正确的。

    The reason why Europe 's bank-recapitalisation schemes have been approved by the European Commission is that banks play a critical role in the economy : increased lending justifies intervention .

  12. 前言:欧洲委员会的“评估食物声称科学证据的程序”(PASSCLAIM),包括了食物健康声称的评估程序、方法和标准。

    The PASSCLAIM ( Process for the Assessment of Scientific Support for Claims on Foods ) project in EU includes assessment procedure , method and criteria for health claims on foods .

  13. 欧洲委员会(europeancommission)和金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard,成立于2009年的国际协调机构)官员提出的解决方案是建立国家层面的“处置机制”。

    The solution , according to officials at the European Commission and the Financial Stability Board ( an international co-ordinating body set up in 2009 ) , is to create national " resolution regimes " .

  14. 欧洲委员会于11月12日为一组旨在赋予3G移动设备制造商更好共享专利技术的协议清除了反垄断法上的障碍。

    On12 November , the European Commission granted antitrust clearance to a set of agreements aimed at giving3G mobile equipment manufacturers better access to patented technology .

  15. 根据欧洲委员会(EuropeanCommission)最新发布的一份互联网行为习惯的研究报告,德国的互联网用户比起其它欧洲国家的网民较少访问社交网站。

    WEB users in Germany are less likely to visit social networking sites than any of their European neighbours , according to a new study of internet habits published by the European Commission .

  16. 欧洲委员会(EC)所需的建议书将包括有关创新性的固态照明(SSL)系统的特定目标。

    A Call for Proposals by the European Commission ( EC ) will include a specific objective related to innovative solid-state lighting ( SSL ) systems .

  17. 欧盟表示,欧洲委员会(EuropeanCouncil)主席范龙佩(HermanvanRompuy)周五下午与普京通了电话,双方讨论了乌克兰的财政和安全局势。

    European Council President Herman Van Rompuy spoke with Mr. Putin Friday afternoon and discussed the ' financial and security situation ' in Ukraine , the EU said .

  18. JeanTodt表示,这一举措是与欧洲委员会共同努力推广替代燃料汽车的联合计划的一部分。

    Mr Todt said the initiative is part of a joint effort with the European Commission to promote cars powered by alternative fuels .

  19. 1991年,联合国欧洲委员会(UNECE)26国签署了跨界EIA公约。

    In1991,26 nations of the United Nations Commission for Europe ( UNECE ) signed the Convention on EIA in a transboundary context .

  20. 目前,CHMP的建议已被提交至欧洲委员会,以便作为一种具有法律约束力的决定而被采用。

    The CHMP 's recommendation has now been forwarded to the European Commission for the adoption of a legally binding decision .

  21. 电脑和通讯行业协会(CCIA)公开声称欧洲委员会三月份的裁决是公正的。

    The Computer and Communications Industry Association ( CCIA ) said the March ruling by the European Commission was fair .

  22. 最后一项威胁是:这个幽灵将与东道国——中国对抗。欧洲委员会针对航空业温室气体排放制定的排放交易计划(ETS)遭到到30多个国家的反对,其中来自中国的抗议最为强烈。

    The final threat pits ghost against host . The European Commission 's inclusion of greenhouse gases from aviation in its emissions-trading scheme ( ETS ) is opposed by over 30 countries , of which China is the most defiant .

  23. 基准分析讨论了两国在原子能机构和欧洲委员会的合作项目框架意外行为和俄罗斯的BN-800反应堆的设计改进。

    Benchmark analyses addressed accident behavior and design improvements of the Russian BN-800 reactor within the frame of a collaborative project between the IAEA and the European Commission .

  24. 欧洲委员会的研究项目关键自然资本与强可持续性标准(CRITINC)构造了识别关键自然资本理论框架。

    The project of European Commission " Critical Natural Capital and the Implications of a Strong Sustainability Criterion ( CRITINC )" constructs a framework of identifying critical natural capital .

  25. 事实上,研究者正在于欧洲委员会STIFF-FLOP项目共享他们的研究成果,该项目致力于研发章鱼腕足形状的手术操作臂。

    In fact , the researchers are sharing their findings with European Commission project STIFF-FLOP , aimed to develop a flexible surgical manipulator in the shape of an octopus arm .

  26. 欧盟的行政部门欧洲委员会对此事表达了担忧,委员会发言人ChristianeHohmann告诉记者,欧盟官员正会集基希讷乌讨论这次危机事件。

    The EU 's executive branch , the European Commission , has expressed concern over the situation . A Commission spokeswoman , Christiane Hohmann , told reporters that EU officials are gathering in Chisinau to discuss the crisis .

  27. 一旦获得欧洲委员会的授权,集中的上市授权在所有的欧盟和欧洲经济区-欧洲自由贸易区(EEA-EFTA)国家有效。

    Once granted by the European Commission , a centralised ( or'Community ' ) marketing authorisation is valid in all European Union ( EU ) and EEA-EFTA states ( Iceland , Liechtenstein and Norway ) .

  28. 欧洲委员会国家缺少环境记录

    OECD Study Shows Many EEC States Have a Poor Environmental Record

  29. 国际青少年读物委员会欧洲委员会议会大会政治事务委员会

    Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

  30. 欧洲委员会表示,他们支持法国和德国的提议。

    The European Commission says it supports the French and German proposals .