
  • 网络european council;the Council of the European Union;Council of European Union
  1. 欧盟理事会政策制定机制探析

    Policy-making Mechanisms in the Council of the European Union

  2. 欧盟理事会作为欧盟的主要决策与立法机构,在欧盟的政策制定过程中发挥着极其重要的作用。

    As the main decision making and legislative body , the Council of the European Union has played an important role in EU policy making .

  3. 关于预算纪律,欧盟理事会(europeancouncil)达成的共识是,有必要实施更多制裁。

    On budgetary discipline , the consensus in the European Council is that there is a need for more sanctions .

  4. 对国际金融交易征税的做法,为类似的发展资助摊派提供了一个良好基础。欧盟理事会(CouncilofEurope)最近曾讨论过这点。

    A tax on international financial transactions , recently discussed by the Council of Europe , offers a sound base for analogous assessments for development financing .

  5. 2月11日,欧盟理事会(EuropeanCouncil)发表政治声明称,原则上愿意援助希腊,但随后未能商定任何明确方案。

    The European Council made a political statement on February 11 saying that it is willing to support Greece in principle , while subsequently failing to agree on a firm package .

  6. 如果某个成员国超过该建议限值,应触发一道紧急、临时性程序,该成员国的预算和借款方案需经欧盟理事会(eucouncil)批准后,方可付诸实施。

    If this proposed limit is exceeded , it should trigger an emergency and temporary procedure where the member state would need its budget and borrowing plans to be approved by the EU Council before they are enacted .

  7. 但这一关系已经破裂,2010年欧盟理事会(eucouncil)明确表示,除非出现制度变革,否则不会与瑞士缔结新的协议,实际上对瑞士与挪威一视同仁了。

    But that relationship has broken down and the EU Council made it clear in 2010 that there would be no new agreements with Switzerland without institutional change , essentially to put it on the same footing as Norway .

  8. 因此我将在欧盟理事会召开前夕,与欧洲各国领导人合作,推进我们在20国(g20)集团峰会上做出的决定,并更加专注于全欧洲的增长战略。

    So I will be working with European leaders in advance of the European Council to advance on our decisions at the group of 20 with a more focused Europe-wide strategy for growth .

  9. 欧盟理事会目前每6个月轮换一次。

    The European Council is currently rebooted every six months .

  10. 法国总统希拉克同时也以欧盟理事会主席的身份出席会议。

    French President Chirac attended the meeting in the capacity of the President of the EU Council .

  11. 欧盟理事会常任主席赫尔曼•范龙佩也将在罗马与其会面。

    Herman Van Rompuy , president of the European Council , has been to see him in Rome .

  12. 在正常时期,欧盟理事会是一台状况良好的机器,即使在没有政治家的情况下也能运转。

    On a normal day , the Council is a well-oiled machine that can run even without politicians .

  13. 欧盟理事会在自由流动方面通过了新的指令,笔者将之与旧指令进行了比较,发表了自己的看法。

    Council of European Union has passed new directive . Combined with the old directive , the author expressed his views .

  14. 但只要这是真实的情况,欧盟理事会声明中所提到的加强经济合作的前景,就是空谈。

    So long as that is the case , the prospect for the improved economic co-ordination mentioned in the Council statement is nil .

  15. 欧盟理事会首任主席的一项重要工作,就是强化欧盟的重点,阻止某些离心的倾向。

    An important job for the first council president will be to sharpen the focus of the EU and to arrest some of the centrifugal tendencies .

  16. 他们已经达成共识,欧盟理事会的第一任主席应该是个行事低调的调停者,最好是来自欧洲小国,并属于右翼联盟。

    A consensus has emerged that the first council president should be a low-profile fixer , preferably from a small EU country and the political centre-right .

  17. 这正是欧盟理事会主席必须要做的事。在这样的环境中,你最不需要的就是一个会阻碍交通的理想主义领导人。

    This is exactly what the president of the European Council will have to do . In such an environment the last thing you need is a traffic-stopping visionary leader .

  18. 在制度层面,欧洲一体化的发展就是以欧盟理事会为代表的政府间机构与以欧盟委员会(以及欧洲议会)为代表的超国家机构之间竞争与合作的产物。

    At the institutional level , European integration is an outcome of compromise and competition between intergovernmental institutions ( like Council of Ministers ) and supranational ones ( like European Commission ) .

  19. 另有消息称,很显然欧盟理事会(由欧盟28位领导人组成)要到选举结果出来才会正式介入。

    Another source said , it was made pretty clear that the European council ( the grouping of the EUs 28 leaders ) would not engage seriously until the election result was clear .

  20. 除了参加的有关国际公约和欧盟理事会有关规则以外,瑞典法院通常类推适用《司法程序法典》中有关法院特定管辖区的条款来解决国际民事诉讼的管辖权问题。

    Apart from the international convention that Sweden is a member and the concerned regulations made by European Union Council , Sweden courts resolve the jurisdictional issues by analogous application of the provisions in the Code of Judicial Procedure on venue .

  21. 2000年9月18日,欧洲议会与欧盟理事会颁布《关于电子货币机构业务开办、经营与审慎监管的2000/46/EC指令》就是为规范欧盟电子货币活动而制定的法律。

    September 18 , 2000 , the European Parliament and EU Council promulgated 《 start-up 、 operation and prudential supervision of the electronic currency institutions of the directive 2000 / 46 / EC 》 to supervise the activities of electronic currency in EU .

  22. 欧盟理事会是成员国在欧盟层面的利益代表,成员国在理事会中按照特定的决策程序、投票机制对欧盟委员会的提案进行表决。

    Council of Ministers in EU is the representative of national interests of member states at EU level . According to specific decision-making procedure and voting rules , member states in the Council of Ministers vote to decide the proposals from European Commission .

  23. 欧盟理事会和欧盟委员会制定的法律文件主要有条例、指令、决议、建议和意见四种形式,其中建议和意见虽不具有约束力,但影响很大,应引起足够的重视。

    The four legal documents enacted by EU council & commission are ordinance , instruction , decision , proposition or opinion , though the proposition and opinion have no binding force , we should attach adequate importance to them for their heavy influences .

  24. 欧盟部长理事会颁布了数个旨在协调成员国所得税税制的指令。

    European Union Minister the Council promulgated several to be for the purpose of being coordinated the member nation income tax system the instruction .

  25. 欧盟央行理事会成员表示央行将不可能帮助希腊基于其无救助条款,来自其他成员国的帮助将会是一个政治决策。

    ECB Governing Council member Ewald Nowotny said the central bank could not help Greece due to its no-bailout clause and any help from member states would be a political decision .

  26. 迄今为止,欧盟经济财政理事会(Ecofin)选择了这条路,涉及为所有重要的欧洲金融机构创建监督组织。

    It is the route chosen , so far , by Ecofin , the EU finance ministers council , and involves creating supervisory colleges for all significant European financial institutions .

  27. 该高级代表将统筹欧盟委员会以及理事会的外交事务,此举有望结束机构间的明争暗斗。

    The High Rep will head foreign operations of both the commission and council , a move supposed to end institutional rivalries .

  28. 欧盟表示,欧洲理事会将在法庭上为这些制裁措施作出辩护。

    The EU said the council would defend the sanctions in court .

  29. 上周欧盟委员会内部经济理事会重提了反对德国一项保护烟囱清洁工免于市场竞争陈旧法案的议项。

    Last week the European Commission 's directorate for the internal market revived proceedings against an antiquated German law that protects sweeps against competition .

  30. 是时候考虑把欧盟委员会和欧洲理事会领导人的职能合二为一了,这样能确保有关重要问题的政策方向一致。

    It is time to consider the merger of the functions of the presidents of the commission and European Council , to ensure that policy on such vital issues pulls in the same direction .