
  1. 理性和人性是希腊古典文化的灵魂和精华。

    Rationality and humanity are the spirit and essence of classical culture of Greece .

  2. 但其文化来源相异,分别源于希腊古典文化、伊朗琐罗亚斯德教和印度佛教。

    They are come from classic culture of Greece , Zoroastrianism of Iran and Buddhism of India respectively .

  3. 公共空间的形成和发展是希腊古典文化繁荣的重要基石。

    The development of the public space is an important foundation for the boom of classic culture in Greece .

  4. 没有城市,希腊古典文化的繁荣将是不可想象的。

    Without city , it would be hard to imagine such a brilliance in the history of classical Greece .

  5. 中国、印度和希腊古典文化繁荣的城市因素

    City Factors on the Brilliance of the Culture of China and Greece and India in the Millennium of Ancient Society

  6. 认为:文体性公共空间的形成及竞技比赛等文体活动的发展,是希腊古典文化繁荣的重要表征。

    It holds that the formation of recreational-sports public space and the development of the recreational-sports activities involving sports competitions etc. are an important symbol of the prosperity of the Greek classical culture .

  7. 据说那时文化的特点是复兴被遗忘的希腊、罗马的古典文化。

    It is said that the culture of the time was characterized by the rejuvenation of the forgotten classical culture of Greece and Rome .

  8. 查理大帝在其中起了非常重要的作用,他的文化政策不仅导致了基督教文化的初步定型,而且对希腊、罗马等古典文化典籍的收集整理也做出了一定的贡献。

    As an important promoter of this movement , Charlemagne not only helped shape the Christian culture through his cultural strategies , but he also made some contribution to gathering and sifting ancient texts of Greece and Rome .

  9. 可以说,欧洲希腊罗马传统的古典文化发展到近代的14世纪的文艺复兴之间,是经过了加洛林文化复兴,特别是12世纪的文化复兴的两次大的准备才到来的。

    So we can say that Carolus renaissance and the 12th century renaissance , especially the later , played a very important role in the development of European culture in the process of transfering from classical culture of ancient Greece and Rome into the 14th century renaissance .