
  • 网络Natural concept;natural idea
  1. 论马克思主义自然观念中人与自然的关系

    Talk about the relation of People and natural in the Natural idea of Marxism

  2. 论整体自然观念下自然美的重要性

    The Significance of Natural Beauty in the Idea of Nature as a Whole

  3. 现代自然观念中的人的问题。

    Third : The problem of human nature in modern idea of nature .

  4. 试论我国传统自然观念中的科学因素

    Scientific factors in Chinese traditional ideas on nature

  5. (二)自然观念的实践。

    The practice of natural conception .

  6. (三)自然观念的表达。

    The expression of natural conception .

  7. 解读《老人与海》中海明威的人与自然观念

    Understanding the philosophy of man and nature in Hemingway 's The Old Man and the Sea

  8. 魏晋南北朝时期佛教对儒道自然观念的批判

    On the Comment on the Idea of Nature of Confucianism and Taoism by Buddhism on Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties

  9. 本文旨在通过对中国自然观念的存在分析来进行这样的考证。

    This essay is an attempt to provide such a justification through an existential analysis of Chinese concept of nature .

  10. 其生成的原因则在于作者的自然观念、生态意识和独特的审美追求。

    The formative causes are Wei An 's idea of the natural world , his ecological consciousness and his special aesthetic ideal .

  11. 中华民族传统的自然观念中,既有一定的盲目迷信成分,又包容着丰富的科学因素。

    Chinese traditional ideas on nature bear certain elements of superstition on the one hand , but contain scientific elements on the other .

  12. 在具体的北宋山水画作品中,辅之以绘画理论研究,发现自然观念的新特征,是本文的基本目的。

    This dissertation aims to discover the new characters of the view of nature by analyzing the landscape paintings in Northern Song Dynasty with painting theories .

  13. 福斯特认为伊壁鸠鲁、培根、达尔文和马尔萨斯等人理论观点对马克思的自然观念有着极大的启发。

    Foster held view of the theory of Epicurus , Bacon , Darwin and Malthus , who has greatly inspired by the Marxist concept of natural .

  14. 威廉·莱斯从控制自然观念角度出发,试图分析生态危机的原因,并寻求其解决路径。

    William leiss tries to analyze the reason of ecological crisis and seek ways to solve the problem from the angle of the concept of Natural control .

  15. 新兴的生态批评把全面梳理历史上的生态思想作为重要任务,并把文学中自然观念的演变纳入研究范畴。

    The newborn Eco criticism attempts to explore the thoughts of ecology in the history , especially the evolvement of the Nature images in western literary history .

  16. 本文尝试从生活、宗教、情志、哲理、审美、精神等不同角度,宏观勾画中国文化中自然观念的基础发展。

    This paper tries to explore development of base for concept of nature in Chinese culture from different lights of life , religion , sentiment , philosophy , aesthetics and spirit .

  17. 本篇论文主要探讨了魏晋时期自然观念的演变,及其对人们的游览方式与文学创作的影响,力求在哲学、文化、文学三个层面上去探究山水诗歌诞生的内在动因。

    This paper approached the changes of natural conception and it 's effect on tourism style and literature creation in Wei-Jin period and attempts to explore the internal reason of landscape poetry 's appearance .

  18. 本文仅以《1844年经济学&哲学手稿》为研究对象,从马克思的自然观念、人的概念以及人与自然的关系理论中分析马克思的实践的历史辩证法。

    This article has analyzed the practical history dialectic from Marx 's concepts of nature , human being and their relationship based on the study of the manuscript of economics and philosophy in 1844 .

  19. 技术理性批判分析了科学与技术的内涵,赋予其自身的合理性,科技本身作为价值中立物,只是在控制自然观念意识形态下带有价值的偏见,成为控制人的工具。

    On this basis , he analyzed the connotation of science and technology , gave its rationality , technology itself as value neutrality thing , just became control tools with a value of prejudice behind the ideology .

  20. 他认为,如今生态危机的深层根源在于控制自然观念的遮蔽,继而控制自然的观念应该被重释为对人与自然关系的控制。

    He believes that the root of ecological crisis nowadays is covered with the concept of Natural control . Then , leiss considers that the concept of Natural control should be reinterpretation of controlling the relationship between man and nature .

  21. 自然法观念发源于古希腊。

    The concept of natural law originated from the ancient Greeks .

  22. 门神崇拜起源于人类远古时期的自然崇拜观念和神灵信仰观念。

    Door-god worship originated from nature and manitou worship in ancient times .

  23. 第一章描述了古代自然法观念从起源到成熟的过程。

    Chapter 1 narrates its ripening course from its birth .

  24. 中国古代的自然规律观念

    The Idea of the Natural Law in Ancient China

  25. 到古罗马时期,斯多葛学派的自然法观念得到了继受和发展。

    The Stoics ' idea of natural law is accepted in ancient Roman .

  26. 古代自然保护观念产生的背景

    Background of the Generation of Ancient Natural Conservation Concepts

  27. 自然法观念的发源浅探

    The Source of The Concept of Natural Law

  28. 西方近代自然权利观念研究&起源、本质及其历史作用

    Study on Western Modern Natural Rights Concepts Their Origin , Essence and Historical Effects

  29. 异化劳动也能丰富自然美观念。

    The alienation of labor can also enrich the concept of the natural beauty .

  30. 这种十九世纪式的自然规律观念,你必须把它们丢掉。

    You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature .