
  1. 意志力和自控力会随着时间流逝而无情地减少。

    Will and discipline decline inexorably as the day wears on .

  2. 比如说一张简单的信用卡就会减弱我们的自控力。

    Something as simple as a credit card can weaken self-control .

  3. 拥有自控力是心理健康的保证。

    Have the ability of self-control is the guarantee of mental health .

  4. 不同学习自控力的初中生在成败中的表现

    Performances of Junior High School Students with Different Learning Self-Control

  5. 京晶:你给我的印象可不是那种缺乏自控力的人啊。

    You don 't strike me as someone who lacks self control .

  6. 初中生的学习自控力随着年级的增长呈现逐渐下降的趋势。

    The power of self-control learning descended gradually with the grade raised .

  7. 初中生学习自控力特点的研究

    Characteristic Study About Self-Control of Learning of Students in Junior High School

  8. 说不对于很多人来说的确是一项自控力的挑战。

    Saying no is indeed a major self-control challenge for many people .

  9. 我们只需要有耐心你们听到她说的了不能复仇要有耐心要有自控力

    We just have to have patience.You heard her.No revenge.Patience.Self-control .

  10. 医学专业大学生学习自控力、心理健康与学业成就关系的研究

    Learning Self-control Ability and Academic Achievement , Mental Health in Medical Students

  11. 初步形成了高中生学习自控力和学业自我概念水平的测评工具。

    It devised the instrument for assessing self-control in learning and academic self-concept .

  12. 狼人是没有自控力的也许会错手伤了你

    Not intentionally , but the wolves have no control

  13. 她平和的生活习惯赋予她能在这神秘领域行动的自控力。

    Her peaceful ways give her the self-control to act in the hidden realm .

  14. 呼吸控制法提升自控力,也包括对身体的掌控。

    Pranayama offers a better self-control that also involves control over one 's physical body .

  15. 说到节日派对,即使饮酒后也不要失去自控力。

    Speaking of holiday parties , don 't get crazy even if alcohol 's involved .

  16. 研究人员发明了多种自控力测试。

    Researchers created various tests of discipline .

  17. 我嫉妒你的自控力。

    I 'm jealous of your restraint .

  18. 为了掌握这门技巧,你必须有良好的自控力和信誉。

    In order to master this , you have to have good self-control and great credit .

  19. 上瘾包括你大脑中处理反应和自控力的部分的一系列变化。

    Addiction also involves complex changes in your brain in areas where you process reward and self-control .

  20. 缺乏自控力或自律,你就难以应对任何问题。

    And without impulse control , or self-discipline , it is hard to crack on with anything .

  21. 自我控制是个体适应社会的重要功能,在学习上自控力是影响学习的重要因素,表现为维护学习目标、坚持学习行为、排除学习过程中的干扰等。

    Self-control is an important factor which students keep learning going on and achieving the goal in school .

  22. 白日做梦不仅有利于心态平衡,而且能提高人们的自控力。

    Daydreaming is not only beneficial to psychological equilibrium , but also able to enhance people 's self-control .

  23. 除此以外,他还拥有不论丰歉都坚守既定方针的自控力。

    In addition , he had the discipline to stick to his approach through both thick and thin .

  24. 他们声称,原因有三点:优越情结、不安全感和自控力。

    They argue that it is down to three things : a superiority complex , insecurity and impulse control .

  25. 这项研究还发现,健康食物所带来的增加减肥者自控力的效用在饥饿时是最有效的。

    The study also found the effects of healthy food to improve dieters ' self-control may be most beneficial when hungry .

  26. 在拥挤的街道上几分钟的时间就会损害记忆力和自控力,因为你的大脑要处理所有的刺激物。

    Spending just a few minutes on a crowded street impairs memory and self-control , as your brain processes all the stimuli .

  27. 然而,他们的不安全感很弱,而且几乎没什么自控力,这是因为伊顿文化的背后,是一种取得任何成就似乎都不费吹灰之力的观念。

    But they are low on insecurity , and have little impulse control as the culture relies on any achievement appearing effortless .

  28. 很多人感到负担过重,筋疲力尽,特别在旅行时,她说,那真的会影响我们的自控力和意志力。

    Many people feel overtaxed and depleted , especially when traveling , and that really impacts our self-control and willpower , she said .

  29. 而且,蝙蝠侠从不杀人,所以除了以上的技能外,他还需要强大的自控力。

    Also , Batman doesn 't kill anyone , so he would need a tremendous amount of control on top of his skill .

  30. 学习互动是提高学习自控力的因素之一;

    Combination freely in the PE class is one of the factors to improve the ability of the students ' learning self-control in sports .