
  • 网络free enthalpy;Gibbs free energy
  1. 将三次样条函数应用于表达二元系过量自由焓函数Q,由此建立了在汽液平衡中由T、p、x数据推算y的间接算法。

    By using a cubic spline function to describe the binary excess free enthalpy function Q , a new indirect method for calculating binary vapor composition y from T , p and liquid composition x has been established .

  2. 在具体分析和讨论肖特基缺陷热平衡浓度的热力学平衡条件的基础上,指出其热力学平衡条件是自由焓Φ最小的态;

    The thermo-equilibrium density of Schottky defect is discussed . The thermodynamic equilibrium condition should be the minimization of free enthalpy .

  3. 这证明自由焓H很自然的可以写成,熵和压强的函数。

    And that shows us that H is written naturally as a function of entropy and pressure .

  4. 我们同样可以看到如果保持自由焓,和压强不变熵的变化dS也是大于零的。

    H We also saw that dS for constant H and p was greater than zero .

  5. 如果我们测量热力学量会发现自由焓的变化,等于4千焦,正4千焦。,delta,H,is,4,kiloJoules,,plus,4,kiloJoules。,熵增dS是45焦耳每开尔文。

    If we measure the thermodynamics , we discover that dH Delta S is45 joules per Kelvin .

  6. 我们得到了自由焓的变化,和和熵增dS的符号与大小,of,delta,H,and,delta,S,如果我们想要计算内能的变化,会发生同样的事情。

    So clearly , we 've got signs and magnitudes dH and if we wanted to put delta u there , similar things would happen .

  7. 最终我们能把所有的这些函数,用自由焓G表示出来,我们没有必要选择,但是这个选择很有用。

    It turns out we can express all these functions in terms of G , G we wouldn 't need to choose G , but it 's a very useful function to choose .

  8. 并根据状态函数的特性,导出了从反应物及产物的标准生成自由焓计算化学反应△G°的公式。

    On the basis of characteristic of the state function , a formula has been derived by which tile △ G ~ o of a chemical reaction can be calculated from the standard forma - tion free enthalpy .

  9. 借助不同的工艺条件、热力学自由焓计算、X衍射、透射电镜、热膨胀系数和抗弯强度测试,研究了烧结温度、成型方法、烧结工艺和气氛对钛酸铝陶瓷性能的影响。

    By means of various processes , thermodynamic calculation , XRD , SEM , thermal expansion coefficient and bending strength , the effects of sintering temperature , pressing methods , sintering process and atomsphere on the properties of AT ceramics were studied .

  10. 首先,应用热力学的基本定律,分析了Al-TiO2-C体系中可能发生的物理化学反应和形成的增强相,计算了增强相的形成自由焓变化和反应的绝热温度。

    The formation free energy of reinforcement and adiabatic temperature of the Al-TiO_2-C reactants were calculated according to thermodynamic laws to predict the possible reactions and their products .

  11. 本文应用自由焓极小值原理详细推导了含有惰性组分的复杂气态物系化学平衡的计算方法。得到改进的W-J-D法及拉格朗日乘子法。

    The present paper derived the computation methods of chemical equilibria for complex gaseous systems containing inert components using minimization principle of Gibb ′ s free energy , Modified W-J-D method and Lagrange multipliers are obtained .

  12. 碱土金属锆酸盐形成自由焓的估算

    Estimation of free enthalpy in the formation of alkaline earth zirconates

  13. 一个新的统一的过量焓和过量自由焓模型

    A new unified model for excess enthalpy and excess Gibbs free energy

  14. 色谱斜率法测过量自由焓之模型参数的研究

    Parameters in Models of Excess Gibbs Free Energy by the Chromatographic Slope Method

  15. 系统已经处于自由焓最低的状态。

    It 's already in the lowest enthalpy state .

  16. 通常所说的能量,或者自由焓和熵之间存在一个平衡。

    There 's a balance here between ordinary energy or enthalpy and entropy .

  17. 立方型状态方程含过量自由焓模型的新混合规则

    A new mixing rule containing excess Gibbs energy model for cubic equations of state

  18. 物质自由焓函数与热力学简化计算

    Free-enthalpy functions of substances and simplified thermodynamic calculations

  19. 这个过程是一个自由焓不变的过程。

    That was a constant enthalpy change .

  20. 粉体接触角法快速测定长江口沉积物的表面自由焓变

    Measuring Surface Free Enthalpy Change of Sediment of Chang Jiang River with Contact Angle Method

  21. 但是如果系统处于平衡态,所有其他的态都不可能具有更低的自由焓。

    But if the system is in equilibrium , none of those states has lower enthalpy .

  22. 这时,上面的结论表明,平衡态是自由焓最小的态。

    And now , what is this saying , the equilibrium state is the one with the lowest possible enthalpy .

  23. 用气相色谱法研究了有机添加剂与聚砜酰胺之间作用的混合热和混合自由焓。

    The mixing heat and mixing free enthalpy of action between organic additives and PSA were studied by gas chromatography method .

  24. 根据不同温度下的平衡常数计算了络合物的生成焓、生成自由焓和熵。

    The formation enthalpy , free enthalpy and entropy of the complex have been calculated by equilibrium constants at different temperatures .

  25. 广义最小自由焓原理的提出和自由焓变守恒原理的建立

    The Creation of the Generalized and the Tiniest Free Enthalpy Principles , and the Conservation Principles of the Free Enthalpy Change Value

  26. 本文阐明应用物质自由焓函数于热力学计算是正确、简化和行之有效的方法。

    This paper explains that the application of free-enthalpy functions of substances to thermodynamic calculations is a correct , simple and effective method .

  27. 考虑到氧压力对反应进行有重要影响,在标准自由焓与温度关系图中绘制了氧压力随温度变化的直线。

    Considering oxygen pressure influencing the reaction greatly , the oxygen pressure line with temperature change was also drawn in the diagram above .

  28. 用自由焓最小法计算了白银熔池熔炼反应平衡时各相的组成,引入物理悬浮修正公式。

    The equilibrium compositions of Baiyin bath smelting process are calculated by the method of Gibbs energy minimization , and modified by physical suspension estimating equations .

  29. 热力学第三定律的一个更重要的推论是,与内能和自由焓不同,我们可以给上定义一个绝对的数值。

    And the bigger lesson from that is that entropy , unlike energy u or enthalpy H , we could define an absolutely number for it .

  30. 本文提出,多重化学反应自由焓变、平衡常数的一步计算法,可在金属冶炼和诸多化学领域中广泛的应用。

    This article introduces one-step calculating method of multi-chemical reactions free enthalpy change and equilibrium constant and its application in metal smelting and other many chemical fields .