
  • 网络Movable type;movable type printing;Movable-type printing;typography
  1. 答:印刷和活字印刷术肯定是这类发明中的两个。

    Yates : Printing and movable type were certainly two of them .

  2. 许多书籍通过活字印刷术得以印刻。

    Many books were printed using movable type .

  3. 年JohannesGutenberg发明的活字印刷术大大简化了书本的印刷和盗版。

    The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in1436 greatly simplified the manufacturing and piracy of books .

  4. 活字印刷术的发明及其在宋元时代的发展与传播

    Typographic Printing : Its Invention , Development and Dissemination In Song-Yuan Dynasties

  5. 浅论活字印刷术在中国和欧洲的不同命运

    Brief on the Different Treatment of Type Press Technology in China and Europe

  6. 就见识到了古老的活字印刷术。

    We experience the old removable-type printing technique .

  7. 问:活字印刷术是否象改变欧洲那样改变了中国?

    NOVA : Did the development of printing change China the way it would change Europe ?

  8. 活字印刷术的发明是书籍史上的又一伟大变革。

    The invention of movable type printing was also a major breakthrough in the Chinese book history .

  9. 太平盛世的出现以及科技的发展,尤其是活字印刷术的发明使他们的这一要求得到满足,于是一些歌功颂德、诗酒唱和之作便自然产生。

    The prosperous society and the technology , such as the invention of printing , met their acquirements .

  10. 答:活字印刷术的作用在东西方是不同的,这是因为中国文字的特点。

    Yates : The effect of printing was different in East and West because of the nature of the Chinese language .

  11. 活字印刷术对于数目极少的符号文字如欧洲字母语言更加实用。

    Movable-type printing was more practical , with a very limited number of symbols , such as the letters used in European alphabetic languages .

  12. 活字印刷术是我国古代四大发明之一,对中国古代的政治、经济和文化的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。

    Movable-type printing , as one of the four great inventions in ancient China , has played a tremendous role in promoting political , economic and cultural development .

  13. 但是,自13世纪起,机械钟引发了一场革命,对历史的影响相当于后来古腾堡活字印刷术引发的革命。

    Beginning in the13th century , though , the mechanical clock initiated a revolution equivalent to the one engendered by the later invention by Gutenberg of the printing press .

  14. 从毕升发明活字印刷术起,就意味着中国乃至世界史上印刷术的重大创新和发展,不过,在中国,这段路程却是相当漫长和曲折。

    When BiSheng discovered wood movable-type printing in Song Dynasty , it indicated a great creation and improvement of printing not only in China but also around the world .

  15. 这就是为什么即使有些书是采用活版印刷,但是,活字印刷术从来没有象在欧洲一样代替木刻印刷术。

    So that was the reason why there were some books printed using movable type , but it never really replaced wood-block printing in the way it did in the West .

  16. 问:活字印刷术是又一例从东方传入西方的技术,或是一例东西方各自同时发展的技术?

    NOVA : Was movable type another example of technology moving from East to West , or was it an example of an innovation developing in the East and West simultaneously ?

  17. 严格地说,新闻审查发轫于15世纪中叶活字印刷术的出现导致印刷品的规模化生产,所以说印刷术是新闻审查制度化的技术前提。

    Strictly speaking , censorship print of the In mid-15th century the invention of type leads to the emergence of large-scale printed production , so that printing is precondition of press censorship .

  18. 第三,就是印刷,大约公元940年出现了第一批印刷版的经典作品,并在1045年发明了活字印刷术。

    The next important development was in the field of printing . In about 940 , the first printing of the Classics occurred . Attempts at movable type began in about 1045 .

  19. 现在我们在图片上也进入了一个类似的时期,智能手机和互联网所起的作用正如当年的活字印刷术,而些这些工具现在仍然处于发展的早期。

    We are now entering a similar period for images . Our smartphones and the Internet that enables them are the modern-day equivalent to movable type , and these tools are still very new .

  20. 随着15世纪中期活字印刷术的出现,印刷商开始注重书籍印刷的版权意识。

    Abstract As soon as the movable type came into exsitence in the middle of the 15th century , printers began to have a stronger and stronger consciousness of copyright with more and more books printed .

  21. 手工造纸是造纸工业的一部分,它是所有纸的始祖和起源,迄今已有一千多年的历史,与指南针、火药、活字印刷术并列为中国古代四大发明。

    Handmade paper is part of the paper industry , which is the ancestor of all the paper and the origin , so far , a thousand years of history , and the compass , gunpowder , movable type tied Four Great Inventions of Ancient China .

  22. 鸦片战争以后,西方的铅活字印刷术传人我国,这种新型的印刷术比传统的雕版印刷和活字印刷有着较大的优势,逐步取代了雕版印刷和活字印刷的地位,成为印刷书籍的最主要的方式,并一直沿用到现代。

    After the Opium War , the moveable zinc-type printing technology originating in the west was introduced into China . The new printing technology , given its great advantages over the traditional block printing and moveable type printing , replaced them gradually as the major type of printing books , and has been used to the modern times .