
huó xìnɡ wū ní fǎ
  • activated sludge process
  1. 传统活性污泥法COD去除及脱氮改造的模拟

    Modeling COD and N removal upgrading in the activated sludge process

  2. 混凝沉淀&活性污泥法处理PVA退浆废水的研究

    Research on the treatment of PVA desizing wastewater by coagulation sedimentation and activated sludge process

  3. 利用共基质代谢提高活性污泥法处理焦化废水COD的效率

    Using Co-substrate Metabolism to Increase the COD Removal Efficiency of Activated Sludge Treatment of Coking Wastewater

  4. AB活性污泥法的生命周期能耗分析

    The life cycle energy analysis for Adsorption Biodegradation process

  5. 采用Fenton试剂-微电解-厌氧滤池(AF)-序批式活性污泥法(SBR)工艺处理高浓度硝基苯类废水。

    Fenton reagent-microelectrolysis-AF-SBR technology was used in treatment of high-concentration nitrobenzene-containing wastewater .

  6. AO结合循环式活性污泥法处理海产品加工废水

    Treatment of seafood processing wastewater by A / O and CASS process

  7. ATP测定在活性污泥法中的应用研究

    Application of ATP Measurement in Active Sludge

  8. 序批式活性污泥法,即SBR法,随着其反应器控制系统的完善越来越受到人们的重视。

    SBR , batch reactor , is attracting more attention with its control system improvement .

  9. SBR法是传统活性污泥法的一种变形。

    The SBR process is a kind of variant of the traditional active sludge process .

  10. 该设施采用了“UASB(AF)&活性污泥法”工艺。

    UASB ( AF ) Activated Sludge Process is used for the station .

  11. 利用混合菌群活性污泥法实现生物可降解塑料PHA的合成

    Production of biodegradable plastics PHA by using mixed cultures and activated sludge

  12. AB活性污泥法工艺浅析

    Simple analysis of AB Process

  13. 本文介绍用序批式活性污泥法(SBR法)处理酱油、酱菜食品废水。

    The Sequencing Batch Reactor ( SBR ) has been employed to treat the sauce and pickle foodstuff wastewater .

  14. 循环式活性污泥法(CASS)处理啤酒废水工艺

    Waste Water Technology for Beer Treated by Cyclic Activated Sludge System

  15. 生物膜法和活性污泥法去除NH3-N的比较研究

    Comparision study on NH_3-N Removal by Biofilm and Activated Sludge

  16. 结果表明:AB活性污泥法工艺简单,对高浓度有机废水处理效果好,且处理出水稳定,处理成本低,经济效果好。

    The result showed that the process of AB activated sludge was simple , good disposing efficiency and low cost .

  17. 为解决该矛盾开发了一种新的污水生物处理反应工艺&三级序批式活性污泥法(三级SBR法),并运用该方法处理了生活污水。

    In order to solve this problem , a new process for wastewater biological treatment three-stage SBR process has been developed .

  18. 目前污水处理厂广泛使用序批式活性污泥法(SBR法)。

    The methods of Sequencing Batch Reactor ( SBR ) is used more and more widely because of its so many advantages .

  19. 介绍用SBR法(序批式活性污泥法)处理广州地区城市污水,研究了生物除磷效果及影响除磷的各种因素。

    Effect and influenced factors of biological phosphorus removal were studied in the experiment of treating Guangzhou 's municipal wastewater by SBR .

  20. 采用SBR活性污泥法,选用从海水、采油废水及长期受原油污染的土壤中筛选的耐盐有机物优势降解菌来处理高含氯采油废水。

    The method of SBR activated sludge with salt-resistant organic degradation bacteria is adopted to treat produced wastewater with high content of chlorine .

  21. 循环式活性污泥法工艺(CASS)是序批式活性污泥法工艺(SBR)的一种优化变型。

    Cyclic activated sludge system ( CASS ) is an optimized modification of sequence batch reactor ( SBR ) .

  22. 序批式活性污泥法(SBR)是一种污水的生物处理方法,广泛运用于世界各国污水处理厂。

    Sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) is a biological wastewater treatment method , which is widely used in the wastewater treatment plants worldwide .

  23. 以间歇式活性污泥法(SBR)法处理啤酒废水,系统考察了温度变化对亚硝酸型硝化/反硝化的影响。

    Brewery wastewater was treated in a Sequencing Batch Reactor ( SBR ) to investigate the effect of temperature on the type of nitrification .

  24. (?)好氧工艺选择序批式活性污泥法(SBR),利用SBR处理大蒜切片废水,探讨出SBR法处理大蒜切片废水的最佳工况条件。

    Aerobic treatment process chooses Sequencing Batch Reactor ( SBR ), using SBR to treat garlic-sliced wastewater , and explore the best operation conditions . 3 .

  25. 超滤-改良活性污泥法处理桉木CTMP制浆废液可行性研究

    A feasibility study on treating eucalyptus CTMP effluents with an ultrafiltration and improved activated sludge

  26. 对某果汁厂原废水处理工艺存在的问题进行了分析,提出了预处理/内循环厌氧反应器(IC)/UASB/普通活性污泥法的改进工艺。

    The problems existing in original wastewater treatment process of a fruit juice factory were analyzed , and a modified process of pretreatment / IC / UASB / CAS was presented .

  27. 采用活性污泥法SBR工艺研究低C/N含氮污水实现亚硝化要求的适宜pH值和游离氨(FA)浓度。

    Through an activated sludge SBR reactor , the authors study the influence of FA concentration and pH on the partial nitrification of low C / N nitric wastewater .

  28. 应用序批式活性污泥法(SBR工艺)处理中、小规模城市生活污水,确定了主反应池运行周期以及运行技术参数;

    By using SBR ( sequencing batch reactor ) process to dispose of middle or little city wastewater , the moving period and technology date are discussed .

  29. 研究了活性污泥法处理双酚A(BPA)废水的效果、降解动力学特性和净化机理。

    Biological treatment of BPA by activated sludge was investigated to get the treatment effect , degradation kinetics and decontamination mechanism .

  30. 针对日益严重的水体富营养化问题,结合中国南方中小城市污水处理现状,阐述了循环活性污泥法(CAST)的工作原理,并利用它处理城市生活污水。

    In view of more and more serious eutrophication of water bodies and combination of municipal wastewaters of treatment in south-china , the principle of Cyclic Activated Sludge Technology ( CAST ) was introduced in this paper .