
huánɡ lǜ sè
  • chartreuse
  1. 我好喜欢花花绿绿且大胆的图案,橘红色、黄绿色已经取代我去年经历的灰色时期。

    Persimmon and chartreuse have replaced the seriously gray phase that I went through last year .

  2. 倾听逝去的时代,花色为大胆明亮的深宝石般的紫色、红色和蓝色,衬以深浅不一的橙色、亮粉红和黄绿色,形成鲜明对比。

    Harkening back to another by-gone era , the colors in flowers are bold , bright jewel tones in deep purples , reds and blues , set off by strong contrasting shades of orange , hot pink and chartreuse .

  3. 她穿着一身暗黄绿色的衣裤套装。

    She wore a lime-green trouser suit

  4. 此法测得B淋巴细胞的表面膜免疫球蛋白着明显的黄绿色荧光,且易于观察。

    By this method , the SmIg of lymphocytes was stained out sharply as yellowish-green and was easy to be observed .

  5. 结果在显微镜下,黄绿色杂交信号直接定位于红色并显示R带的染色体上。

    Results The chromosomal location of the greenish yellow signals could be directly identified on the R banded chromosome background .

  6. 活动期RA患者置换出的血浆呈墨绿色、绿色或黄绿色;

    The color of the filtrate was green in RA in active stage .

  7. 光学性质:高正突起,具有明显的多色性:Np绿色,Nm棕黄色,Ng黄绿色。

    Distinct pleochroism : Np green , Nm brownish yellow and Ng yellowish green ;

  8. Ⅷ:Ag荧光检测以上3种细胞均发现较多的黄绿色荧光着色。

    There were a lot of yellow green fluorescent substances in the CEC by ⅷ: Ag indirect fluorescent test .

  9. 用FITC标记的羊抗兔IgG进行间接免疫荧光试验,可检测到特异性黄绿色荧光。

    Specific yellow-green fluorescence was visual in indirect immunofluorescence assay with FITC-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG .

  10. FB显示明亮的蓝色标记胞浆,而NY标记则为黄绿色的圆形胞核。

    FB displayed a blue fluorescent cytoplasm and NY appeared gold yellow fluorescent nuclei .

  11. CD31免疫荧光染色细胞表面呈现黄绿色荧光。

    CD 31 antigens cells showed green fluorescence .

  12. 钨华一种黄色或黄绿色的矿物。主要是WO3,通常存在钨矿石中。

    A yellow or yellowish-green mineral , essentially WO3 , often occurring with tungsten ores .

  13. 结果表明,以兔抗肌动蛋白抗体为一抗、FITC羊抗兔IgG抗体为二抗进行免疫荧光标记实验,在荧光镜下观察到蒜瓣薄壁组织的细胞核及表皮细胞核均发出明亮的黄绿色荧光。

    Clove were labelled with rabbit anti_ actin antibody and FITC_conjugated goat anti_rabbit IgG antibody . The authors observed results with fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy .

  14. 虽然这家公司也为《妈妈咪呀》(Mammamia)等舞台剧制作黄绿色和梅红色的花哨手套,但它的很多产品是简洁、精妙的美丽物件。

    And while the company does make flashy lime-green-and-fuschia items for stage shows like Mamma Mia , many of its products are simply , subtly beautiful .

  15. 通过对不同浓度的OA纯品和含毒饲料浸提液及中毒死亡鸡内脏的间接荧光染色,均能检出分布均匀、大小有别的黄绿色荧光亮点;

    Different-size evenly-distributed yellow green fluorescent light spots were found in the pure OA of various concentration and extraction of toxic feed as well as internal organs of chickens killed with OA by indirect immunofluorescent dyeing assay .

  16. 虽然这家公司也为《妈妈咪呀》(MammaMia)等舞台剧制作黄绿色和梅红色的花哨手套,但它的很多产品是简洁、精妙的美丽物件。

    And while the company does make flashy lime-green-and-fuschia items for stage shows like " Mamma Mia , " many of its products are simply , subtly beautiful .

  17. 黄绿色SrAl2O4;Eu,Dy长余辉蓄能材料是于二十世纪中期出现,并在九十年代得到迅速发展的夜间照明和装饰材料。

    A new type of long afterglow phosphor SrAl2O4 : Eu , Dy , which can be used to night illumination and decoration , has been synthesized and got rapid development in the middle of 20th century .

  18. 采用流式细胞仪分析法,对以标有黄绿色荧光的磁流体,磁化红细胞的磁化DOX双载红细胞的平均荧光强度进行分析比较。

    By flow cytometry analysis , marked with yellow on the green fluorescence of the magnetic fluid , magnetic magnetization DOX double red blood cell red blood cells containing an analysis of mean fluorescence intensity comparison .

  19. 以LaL2(H2O)4Cl的LB膜为发光层的单层电致发光器件的驱动电压为9V,发光亮度330cd/m~2,为黄绿色发光。

    The electroluminescent devices with a single layer structure was constructed using LaL2 ( H2O ) 4Cl as the emitter material . Green-yellow electroluminescence was observed with brightness of ca. 330 cd / m2 and a low drive voltage of 9 V.

  20. 结果表明:这两种掺铽聚丙烯膜在365或254nm紫外光激发下,都能发出黄绿色荧光。

    The results show that the two terbium doped polypropyrene films can give out yellowish green fluorescence under 365 or 254 nm ultraviolet light exciation .

  21. 这张美丽的多波段的图片拍摄的是银河系M82的星光,恒星们发出的可见光在照片显示为黄绿色,让我们看到了一个很普通的银河系星盘。

    In this beautiful multiwavelength view of the starburst galaxy M82 , optical light from stars , pictured in yellow-green , reveals the disk of an apparently normal galaxy .

  22. 主要以无花果和其它果实为食的黄绿色澳大利亚金莺。

    Greenish-yellow Australian oriole feeding chiefly on figs and other fruits .

  23. 黑暗中,他看见奇妙的黄绿色炽光。

    In the dark he saw the wonderful yellow green glow .

  24. 指类似于未成熟的橄榄一样的黄绿色。

    Of a yellow-green color similar to that of an unripe olive .

  25. 本品为淡黄绿色或黄绿色澄明液体。

    Description The product is a slight yellowish-green or yellowish-green clear liquid .

  26. 黄绿色山形,象徵基隆系一绵延丘陵地。

    The yellowish green mountain signifies the hills in Keelung .

  27. 性质黄绿色无味无毒,略油性。

    Properties Yellow green powders , inodorous , atoxic , somewhat oily .

  28. 不锈钢黄绿色铬酸盐转化膜的研究

    Study of Yellowish Green Chromating Film of Stainless Steel

  29. 石头上长着黄绿色的苔藓,散漫开来,如花儿般美丽!

    The mosses grow on the stone , as beautiful as the flowers !

  30. 其它组织及对照组无黄绿色荧光。

    There were no fluorescent exist in other tissues and the contrast groups .