
huáng shí guó jiā gōng yuán
  • Yellowstone National Park
  1. 20世纪60年代,鲍勃•克里斯蒂安森在研究黄石国家公园的火山历史时,对一件事情感到很困惑,而这件事以前并没有困扰过任何人,即他找不到公园的火山。

    In the 1960s , while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Park , Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that , oddly , had not troubled anyone before : he couldn 't find the park 's volcano .

  2. 坐落于黄石国家公园的老信徒温泉,事实上是被JACK的血压所激发的。

    Old Faithful , located in Yellowstone National Park , is actually caused to erupted by Jack 's blood pressure .

  3. 位于美国黄石国家公园。

    It is located in Yellowstone National Park ( USA ) .

  4. 美国的黄石国家公园是该国最大的灰熊栖息地。

    The largest United States population is in Yellowstone National Park .

  5. 黄石国家公园经常发生地震,南加州也是如此。

    Yellow Stone gets frequent earthquakes , so does Southern California .

  6. 泉与印在明信片上的美丽景色使黄石国家公园闻名遐迩。

    The incredible geysers and picture postcard landscape brought Yellowstone its fame .

  7. 这位是格伦普莱伯,黄石国家公园的首席科学家。

    Thats Glenn Plumb , a chief scientist with Yellowstone National Park .

  8. 黄石国家公园和其他地方的灰狼饲养计划取得了成功。

    Breeding programs at Yellowstone National Park and elsewhere have proved successful .

  9. 在黄石国家公园里,“老忠实”就是这样的喷泉。

    One such geyser is Old Faithful , in Yellowstone National Park .

  10. 我们打算先去游览黄石国家公园。

    We are going to do Yellowstone National Park first .

  11. 美国黄石国家公园里就有一座活的超级火山。

    One active volcano is in Yellowstone National Park in the United States .

  12. 一只红狐在黄石国家公园的雪地里觅食。

    A lone red fox picks through the snow in Yellowstone National Park .

  13. 狼现在已经成了黄石国家公园的招牌动物。

    Wolves are now the marquee animal in Yellowstone .

  14. 泄漏发生在黄石国家公园下游。

    The spill happened downstream from Yellowstone National Park .

  15. 黄石国家公园的确是一个令人兴奋的地方。

    Yellowstone National Park is indeed an electrifying place .

  16. 黄石国家公园里的公糜鹿,顶着它成熟的标志&富有贵族气质的12叉鹿角;

    Badge of maturity , 12-tined antlers crown a lordly bull elk in Yellowstone ;

  17. 1966年,8岁大的丹尼斯·约翰逊和家人一起游览黄石国家公园。

    Eight-year-old Dennis Johnson was visiting Yellowstone National Park with his family in 1966 .

  18. 在黄石国家公园内,一只山地狮从多岩石的角落里向外凝视。

    A mountain lion peers out from a rocky nook in Yellowstone National Park .

  19. 漏油从黄石国家公园顺流而下。

    The spill happened from Yellowstone National Park .

  20. 怀俄明州的黄石国家公园是世界上最古老的国家公园。

    Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming , is the oldest national park in the world .

  21. 你会去黄石国家公园、迪斯尼公园和大峡谷。

    You 'll see Yellow Stone National Park , Disney World and the Grand Canyon .

  22. 黄石国家公园的大部分地方是一座坍塌的大火山,或是一个喷火山口。

    Much of Yellowstone National Park is a giant collapsed volcano , or a caldera .

  23. 欢迎来到黄石国家公园。

    Welcome to Yellowstone National Park .

  24. 一八七二年,世界上第一个由全国政府管理的公园黄石国家公园建立了。

    In1872 , Yellowstone National Park in the world administered by a national government , was established .

  25. 这项计划将允许野狼呆在宁静的黄石国家公园和大提顿国家公园。

    The plan would allow the wolves to live undisturbed in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks .

  26. 许多人都说在黄石国家公园看见野生的狼是一种终生难忘的体验。

    Many people said it was a lifetime experience seeing a wolf in the wild in Yellowstone .

  27. 黄石国家公园

    The Yellowstone National Park

  28. 温泉附近的雾气几乎将黄石国家公园冬日牧场的两头野牛完全笼罩住。

    Fog from a nearby hot spring nearly conceals two bison grazing on winter grasses in Yellowstone National Park .

  29. 现在我们正在黄石国家公园,跟拍一些苍狼,一睹这些致命尤物的风采。

    We are here in Yellowstone National Park to follow some grey wolves and observe the deadly brilliance of the pack .

  30. 美国西部(洛矶山脉)的、尤其是生长在黄石国家公园热泉周围的、一种小形、开蓝花的流苏龙胆。

    Small blue-flowered fringed gentian of western United States ( Rocky Mountains ) especially around hot springs in Yellowstone National Park .