
huánɡ dì nèi jīnɡ
  • Inner Canon of Huangdi;Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor
黄帝内经 [huáng dì nèi jīng]
  • [The Yellow Emperors Internal Classic,The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine] 医书。简称《内经》。黄帝、歧伯等以问答的形式写成。是我国现存最早的一部医著,成书约在战国时期,其内容包括较长时期的多人作品。书中以医药理论为主,兼及针灸、方药的治疗。在朴素的唯物主义观点指导下,阐述中医基础理论、辨证论治规律、病证等多方面内容,奠定了中医学的理论基础

  1. 中国最早的医学经典《黄帝内经》问世于2000多年前。

    The earliest medical classic in China , Huangdi 's Classic on Medicine , came out more than 2,000 years ago .

  2. 《黄帝内经》中健康心理学思想的探析

    Probing the Health Psychology Thoughts in the Yellow Emperor Internal Classic

  3. 《周礼》与《黄帝内经》对比研究

    Comparative Studies Between Zhou Li and Internal Classic of Huang Di

  4. 《黄帝内经》心理学理论探析

    The study of the psychological theory of yellow emperor 's Internal Classic

  5. 《黄帝内经》的字对字翻译

    Word-for-Word Translation in the Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor

  6. 《黄帝内经》的治养之道

    The Principle of Curing and Healing in Yellow Emperor 's Internal Classic

  7. 海峡两岸《黄帝内经》养生思想研究

    A Study of Huangdi Nei Jing of Health Preserving Cross-straits

  8. 《黄帝内经》的医学物候学理论与临床应用

    Medical Phenological Theory and Clinical Application in Huangdi 's Internal Canon MEDICAL SCIENCE

  9. 从《黄帝内经》英文版窥探中医翻译的现状

    Current Condition of Chinese Medicine Translation : Reviewing English Version of Huangdi Neijing

  10. 《黄帝内经》是我国最早的中医经典著作。

    The Internal Classic is the earliest classical works of TCM in China .

  11. 《黄帝内经》生态医学思想的现代意义研究

    Modern Study on Ecological Medicine Thought of Huangdi Neijing

  12. 《黄帝内经》的人体世界

    The World Of Human Body In Huangdi Infernal Medicine

  13. 中国医学发展的理论源泉&《黄帝内经》

    The Theory Fountainhead of Chinese Medical Development & 《 Huang Di Nei Jing 》

  14. 论《黄帝内经》的医学哲学思想

    On the Thought of the Medicine Philosophy of The Yellow Emperor 's Internal Classic

  15. 黄帝内经教学模式的思索与改革

    Consideration and reform of the mode of teaching Yellow Emperor 's Classic of Internal Medicine

  16. 说与旁人浑不解,杖藜携酒看芝山&再谈《黄帝内经》英语翻译的方法问题

    Methods of English translation for Huangdi Neijing

  17. 近二十年研究《黄帝内经》与先秦诸子学说关系之文献述评

    A Review on the Study of " Huang Di Nei Jing " Last Twenty Years

  18. 他的许多贡献都记入《黄帝内经》。

    Many contributions were credited to Huangdi .

  19. 《黄帝内经》中有关气的论述在中医学的气学理论体系中占有十分重要的地位。

    The theory of qi in Neijing play an important role in Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  20. 《黄帝内经》情志理论之研究

    The Study of the Doctrine of Seven Emotions in the Yellow Emperor 's Internal Classic

  21. 从《黄帝内经》看秦汉时期的推拿学成就

    Massage Achievements in the Peried of Qin Han Dynasty According to the Canon of Internal Medicine

  22. 《黄帝内经·素问》语义模糊数词英译研究

    English Translation of Semantically Fuzzy Numerals in Plain Questions of Yellow Emperor 's Canon of Medicine

  23. 目的:观察《黄帝内经》傍针刺法治疗肩周炎的疗效,探讨其治疗机理。

    To observe therapeutic effect of proximal needling on periarthritis of shoulder and explore the mechanism .

  24. 中华医学最早的经典之作《黄帝内经》中就有关于香包的记载。

    The earliest Chinese medical classics Huangdi 's Classic on Medicine has the record about sachet .

  25. 《黄帝内经》三因制宜在小儿泄泻治疗中的应用

    The utilization of treatment in accordance with three categories of etiologic factors in treating children diarrhea

  26. 《黄帝内经》医源性疾病发生与防治的研究

    Study on Cause and Cure about Iatrogenic Diseases in the Yellow Emperor 's Classic of Internal Medicine

  27. 《黄帝内经》哲学中的人性论与先秦诸子相关学说研究

    Research on the Theory of Human Nature in Huangdi Neijing and the Related Doctrine of Pre-Qin Philosophers

  28. 《黄帝内经》肝藏象理论发生学研究

    A Study on Generation Science of the Visceral Picture Theory of Liver in Internal Classical of Medicine

  29. 这三种哲学观念成为学习和理解《黄帝内经》医学理论的重要指导思想。

    The three philosophy view comes to be the guiding ideology of studying Internal Medicine Of Yellow Emperor .

  30. 早在《黄帝内经》中就已对肾及肾的功能详细论述。

    As early as in " Nei Jing " in already on kidney and renal function in detail .