
huáng tǔ
  • loess;yellow earth
黄土 [huáng tǔ]
  • [loess;yellow earth] 不成层的垆坶沉积物,其颗粒大小介于粘土与细砂之间,呈浅黄色或黄褐色,广泛分布于北美、欧洲和亚洲,现在一般认为主要是由风沉积的,常为钙质并往往含贝壳、骨骼和哺乳动物的牙齿以及碳酸钙结核,有时也含氧化铁结核而形成可大量贮水的优质土壤

黄土[huáng tǔ]
  1. GIS支持下的黄土高原地震滑坡区划研究

    GIS Based Seismic Landslide Zonation of the Loess Plateau

  2. 黄土剖面古土壤和生物化石~(14)C测年对比

    ~ ( 14 ) C Dating of Paleosol and Animal Remains in Loess Deposit : A Comparative Study

  3. 黄土漫天。

    A cloud of brown dust filled the sky .

  4. 在美国西部黄土区和冲积河谷里,表土和底土一般是容易破碎的。

    In loessal regions and alluvial valley fills of the western United states , both surface soil and subsoil are commonly friable .

  5. 黄土丘陵沟壑区治沟骨干工程泥沙淤积来源于坡面侵蚀、沟道侵蚀和库区岸坡坍塌

    Sediments check dam in small watersheds in loess hilly gully area come from three proportion , i.

  6. 黄土在受力和湿陷过程中微结构变化的CT扫描分析

    Analysis of microstructure change for loess in the process of loading and collapse with CT scanning

  7. 结构性Q2,Q3黄土的力学特性对比研究

    Comparative study on mechanical features of structural Q_2 and Q_3 loess

  8. Q3黄土力学各向异性特性的初步试验研究

    Test Investigation on mechanical anisotropy of q_3 loess

  9. 青海黄土母质发育的土壤对铬(III)吸附量的初步研究

    Preliminary studies of Cr ( III ) absorbing capacity in Qinghai soil of development from loess

  10. 通过试验,得到了在荷载作用下Q3马兰黄土、Q2离石黄土土体中孔隙被压密各个阶段清晰的CT照片及土样剪切过程中各阶段的CT数据。

    Through test , CT images and values including the whole process of Q_3 Malan loess and Q_2 Lishi loess under the different states were obtained .

  11. 长安黄土岩溶泉是通过缓慢、均匀的入渗补给的,这决定了它比碳酸岩岩溶泉的pH低,电导率大。

    The karst springs in the village are recharged by slow and uniform permeation , so the pH values of the karst springs in loess are lower but the conductivities are higher than that in limestone .

  12. 黄土塬区地形地貌复杂,地震勘探测量施工困难:一是GPS参考站如何布设;

    In loess tableland (″ yuan ″) area has complicated landform and relief , so operation of surveying in seismic prospecting is rather difficult there : the first is how to lay out GPS reference stations ;

  13. 黄土高原和南海陆架古季风演变的生物记录与Heinrich事件

    Paleomonsoon evolution and Heinrich events : evidence from the Loess Plateau and the South China Sea

  14. 剖面由第一层古土壤(S1)、马兰黄土(L1)和全新世古土壤(S0)组成。

    It consists of the First paleosoil ( S1 ), Malan loess ( L1 ) and Holocene paleosoil ( S0 ) .

  15. 结果表明:SH加固黄土的强度随着SH掺量的增大而增加,但不是线性关系;SH固化黄土的后期强度很高。

    The research results show that the strength of the solidified loess increases with the content of SH , but the interrelationship is not linear , and long-term strength of solidified loess is very high .

  16. 黄土层在水分集中补给条件下,渗流过程表现为明显的湿润峰值带的移动,宽度约2.4m。

    Under concentrate water supply , the seepage process has prominent motivation of high soil moisture content , and its width is about 2.4m .

  17. 黄土高原中部7条主要河流径流量呈明显的下降趋势,年河流径流量以每年0.4851108m3/a的速度下降。

    The flux of 7 main rives was obviously drop , with 0.4851108m3/a .

  18. 陕北黄土丘陵区旱地春谷200~250kg/亩稳产栽培问题的研究

    Research on Stable-Yielding Cultivation of Rainfed Land Spring Millet with Yield or 200 ~ 250kg / mu in Loess Hilly Regions In Northern Shaanxi

  19. 阐述了DDC灰土桩在湿陷性黄土地基处理工程中的应用,介绍了其设计施工、质量检测,有效地消除了黄土的湿陷性,提高了地基的承载力,取得了良好的施工效果。

    It represents the application of DDC lime-soil pile in the foundation management of collapsibility loess , introduces the design construction , quality detection , eliminating the collapsibility loess effectively , increases the bearing of foundation and gets the good construction effect .

  20. 由此建议84K杨树不宜在黄土高原地区大面积栽植,应栽植在土壤水分条件较好的立地条件下。

    From results , it can be concluded that poplar is not suitable to plant widely in loess plateau area and only fit to favorable soil water condition .

  21. 随着埋藏深度的及围压的增加,下层Q2黄土的结构可变性逐渐变大,而可稳性变小,在受荷过程中其应力应变曲线表现出较明显的变形硬化特性。

    With the increasing of embedding depth and confining pressures , the stabilizability of the microstructure of lower Q2 loess layers was less than its changeability , and the curves types of stress-strain of loess in the process of loading put up the hardening observably deformation properties .

  22. 采用Bowman和Cole提出的有机磷分级体系,对陇中黄土高原0~5cm、5~10cm、10~30cm不同耕作方式下土壤有机磷的组成变化进行了研究。

    Variation of soil organic phosphorus fractions and contents under different tillages for long term was studied in the layer of 0 ~ 5 cm , 5 ~ 10 cm , 10 ~ 30 cm of calcareous soil in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu with the Bowman-Cole method .

  23. 黄土高原半干旱区牧草的引种

    Pasture Introduction in the Semi arid Area of the Loess Plateau

  24. 黄土场地抗震性能评价指标分析

    Analysis on the assessment indexes for seismic resistance of loess sites

  25. 黄土高原土地资源现状与优势分析

    Current Situation and Advantage Analysis of Land Resource of Loess Plateau

  26. 黄土高原住区污水资源化问题的研究

    Study on the sewage reusing in loessial plateau 's living quarter

  27. 开发西部切入点的研究&以黄土高原生态环境建设切入点为例

    Analysis about the key point of eco-environment construction on Loess Plateau

  28. 黄土高原水土流失区制约粮食生产的干旱原因分析

    Analyses on the causes restricting grain production in the Loess Plateau

  29. 黄土高原坡耕地土壤水分主要受控因子研究

    Effects of Primary Factors on Soil Moisture in Cultivated Slope land

  30. 湿陷性黄土地基桩的负摩擦力问题

    Problems on Negative Friction of Pile Foundation in Collapsible Loess Region