
  • 网络loess landform
  1. 基于问卷调查对延安黄土地貌旅游发展现状、旅游地居民和旅游者对黄土地貌旅游发展的态度做了分析。

    Based on the questionnaire survey to the Yenan loess landform tourist , we made the analysis to the development present situation , the attitude of the resident and the tourist for the loess landform tourist development .

  2. 陕北黄土地貌南北纵向分异与基底古样式及水土流失构造因子研究马兰黄土底界或第1古土壤层的发育是穿时的。

    The relationship Between the Loess Landform and Its Bedrock Type and the Impact of the structure on Erosion in Shaanbei ; The bottom boundary of Malan loess or the development of the first paleosol is chronologically different from place to place .

  3. 基于DEM的黄土地貌类型提取与制图&以黄土高原丘陵沟壑实验样区为例

    DEM-Based Landforms Extraction and Application & A Case Study in the Hilly-gully Areas of the Loess Plateau

  4. 甘肃省中东部黄土地貌类型与特征

    The physiognomy types and characteristics of loess in middle-east gansu province

  5. 中国数字黄土地貌分类体系探讨

    Classification System of 1:1 000 000 Digital Loess Geomorphology in China

  6. 其中,黄土地貌是典型地貌之一。

    Loess geomorphology belongs to one of typical landforms .

  7. 黄土地貌演化与土壤侵蚀关系的分析

    Relationship Between Loess Geomorphic Evolution and Soil Erosion

  8. 基于栅格数字高程模型自动提取黄土地貌沟沿线技术研究

    Study of automated extraction of shoulder line of valley from grid digital elevation data

  9. 陕北黄土地貌正负地形坡度组合研究

    Slope Spectrum of Positive and Negative Terrains of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province

  10. 数学形态学在黄土地貌单元分类学上的应用

    The Periglacial Blow-Sand Landform and Sediment : a Review Application of Math-morphological Features in Relief Taxonomy of Loess Plateau

  11. 过去各种黄土地貌分类研究方案由于标准不统一,在实际应用中没有形成公认的地貌分类系统。

    Up to now , the national classification system of loess geomorphology has not yet been established and published .

  12. 但是黄土地貌的奇特和特殊的观赏价值使得我们能够换个角度去思考。

    But the Loess unique and special landscape of the viewable value allows us to make a change in perspective .

  13. 在这种背景下,本文主要关注在我国占据重要地位的黄土地貌。

    Under this situation , this article pain attention to loess landform which occupies the important position in our country .

  14. 黄土地貌属中国典型地貌之一,其分类体系是制图的基础。

    Loess geomorphology in China belongs to one of the typical landforms , whose classification system is the foundation of mapping .

  15. 表现为在具有黄土地貌的地区水利设施建设与维护颇为艰难,而在地质地貌相对稳定的山区开展较大规模水利建设亦具有可行性。

    Forming in regional water conservancy facilities landforms its maintenance is quite difficult to carry out large-scale water conservancy construction while in a relatively stable geological and geomorphological mountain is feasible .

  16. 黄土地貌具有美学性、极高的科学价值、特殊的社会价值和极具地方色彩的人文价值。

    This is a relatively new understanding . 2 . Loess landscape contains a wealth of tourist value , mainly reflected in the loess landscape aesthetics of high scientific value , special social values and human values having highly Local Color .

  17. 长期以来,它仅仅是被作为一种典型地貌来研究,侧重于黄土地貌对农业发展的影响和水土保持,主要是作为一种不良的自然地貌单元考虑的。

    For a long time , it is only used as a typical landscapes to study , focusing on the loess landscape of the impact of agricultural development and soil conservation , mainly as a negative element to consider the natural landscape .

  18. 从宏观、中观、微观三个视觉层次把黄土地貌旅游资源分为13种基本形态类型,并对它们的特征进行了描述和定义。

    From three visual level divide , the macroscopic , the intermediate perspective , the microscopic , we divide the loess landform tourist resources into 13 kinds of basic shape types , and has carried on the description and the definition to their characteristic . 5 .

  19. 分形技术在黄土高原地貌形态三维表达中的应用

    Application of Fractal Technology to 3D visualization of the Landscape of Loess Plateau

  20. 陕北黄土滑坡地貌演变分析

    Analysis on development of landform for loess landslide in northern region of Shanxi Province

  21. 景观生态学是研究景观单元的类型组成、空间配置及其与生态过程相互作用的综合性学科,利用其景观格局的分析方法有助于我们研究黄土丘陵地貌空间分异规律及其发育过程。

    Landscape ecology is the integrated disciplines to study of the landscape unit type composition , space configuration and its relation to the ecological process .

  22. 在分析黄土高原地貌与沉积特征的基础上,确定了黄土层下6种不同类型的基底地形,其上黄土层厚度与黄土地貌的空间差异均与基底地形的类型有关。

    Based on geomorphological and sedimentological analysis of the Loess Plateau in North China , six types of the underlined landforms beneath loess layers are recognized . It is found that the spatial differences of loess thickness and loess landforms are closely related with the underlined landforms .

  23. 以陕北黄土高原多地貌类型样区为实验样区,采用5m分辨率的DEM为基本信息源,构建不同汇流阈值与所提取沟壑密度量化关系。

    By taking 5 m grid cell DEMs as an experiment basis , the relation between flow accumulation threshold and gully density in the Loess Plateau area , Northern Shaanxi , China , is investigated quantitatively and statistically .

  24. 西安地裂缝是西安地区与秦岭山前长安&临潼断裂有关的一组NE-NEE走向的南倾陡倾角正断面的地表反映,它形成了特有的黄土梁洼地貌。

    Xi ′ an ground crack is a reflection of the ground for a group normal faults with strike NE-NEE and high angle dipping to south , which is related to Chang ′ an-Lintong fracture in front of Qinling mountain .

  25. 黄土高原现代地貌侵蚀演化研究进展

    Research Progress of Modern Topographic Evolvement and Landform Erosion in Loess Plateau

  26. 黄土高原历史地貌与土壤侵蚀演变研究进展

    Progress on the research of historical landform and soil erosion evolution in Loess Plateau

  27. 黄土高原微地貌之梯田三维建模方法探讨

    3D modeling of micro-landform of terrace

  28. 黄土高原地质地貌复杂,是黄河流域的主要泥沙源区,并以黄土丘陵沟壑区和黄土高塬沟壑区为代表。

    The loess plateau who has complex geological and topographical condition is the main sediment source area , and represented by loess hilly-gully region and upland-gully region .

  29. 在宏观上,它可以形成各种黄土潜蚀地貌,同时它还能引发或者加剧其他侵蚀作用。

    Macroscopical effects of this kind of corrosion incude : it can form all kinds of loess suffosion erosion and it can also bring and pick up other corrosion actions .

  30. 回顾了黄土高原历史地貌与土壤侵蚀演变研究的过程,总结了研究取得的主要进展,指出了研究存在的不足和今后深化的方向。

    This paper reviews the studying process on historical landform and soil erosion evolution of Loess Plateau , summarizes its essential results , points out the inadequate and the deepen direction in the future .