
  • low-carbon life;low carbon living;low-carbon lifestyle
  1. SanMiguel岛正在实践低碳生活:没有无线电话讯号、没有互联网、有限度供电。

    They lived a low-carbon life , with no mobile telephone signal , no Internet access , and limited electricity-the island just got it two years ago , and not all homes are hooked up yet .

  2. 其低碳生活观念是低碳生活方式的重要影响因素。

    Low-carbon life idea is an important influencing factor of low-carbon lifestyle .

  3. 低碳生活方式已经是全社会的呼声。

    Low-carbon living style is the voice of society .

  4. 作为年轻人,我们应当率先接受低碳生活。

    We young people should lead low-carbon lifestyles .

  5. 低碳生活方式帮助环境和提供了一个示例成为别人的榜样。

    A low-carbon lifestyle helps the environment and provides an example for others to follow .

  6. 他们也相互分享日常生活中培养低碳生活习惯的小窍门。

    They also share with each other tips for developing low-carbon habits in daily life .

  7. 但是,不管接受还是不接受,低碳生活已成为现实的必然。

    However , regardless of reception or rejection , low-carbon life has become a real necessity .

  8. 在倡导低碳生活的今天,节能环保的要求越来越高。

    In advocation to low carbon living today , energy saving and environmental protection requirements increasingly stringent .

  9. 第三,使用公用资金帮助穷人向低碳生活方式转变。

    Third , use public money to help the poor make the transition to a low-carbon lifestyle .

  10. 像郑希瑜和她的同事们一样,越来越多的人正投身低碳生活。

    Like Zheng Xiyu and her colleagues , more and more people are pursuing a low-carbon life .

  11. 低碳生活,对于我们普通人来说是一种态度。

    The " low-carbon " livings is a character , a manner to us , a common people .

  12. 需要廉价而能够获得的技术从而实现低碳生活与适应气候新秩序。

    Affordable and accessible technologies are needed to achieve low carbon livelihoods and adapt to the new climate order .

  13. 在低碳生活成为全球共识的今天,我国太阳能产业得到了长足的发展。

    Since the low carbon life becomes a global consensus today , solar industry in China has been developed considerably .

  14. 现在,我听到了城市在宣传倡导低碳生活,我渐渐有些懂了。

    Now , I have heard in the advocacy of urban low-carbon life , I gradually came to some understand .

  15. 为此,本研究探讨了重庆市城镇居民的低碳生活观念对其低碳生活方式的影响作用。

    Therefore , this study explores the influence of Chongqing urban residents ' low-carbon life idea to their low-carbon lifestyle .

  16. 减少二氧化碳的排放,选择“低碳生活”是每个公民应尽的责任。

    To reduce carbon dioxide emissions , select the " low-carbon life " is the bounden duty of every citizen .

  17. 随着低碳生活越来越成为人们的一种新的生活方式,减少工作中碳的排放也就势在必行。

    With the " low-carbon life " increasingly become a new way of life , reduce carbon emissions also is imperative .

  18. 在我国,低碳生活和低碳经济也正在成为全社会的共识。

    In China , the " low-carbon life " and " low-carbon economy " is becoming the consensus of the whole society .

  19. 你离低碳生活还差一点。如果能多做一点就更好了。

    You live within a stone 's throw of a low-carbon life . We 'll appreciate it if you can do more .

  20. 论证培育低碳生活,建构城市低碳发展模式的对策;

    The construction of the low-carbon city development mode is innovating means of energy-saving and emission-reduction , environment improvement and low-carbon economy .

  21. 刘兴山,一个57岁没有受过高等教育的农民,设计了他的新颖的低碳生活空间,有机地组合了太阳能和生物能源。

    Liu Xingshan , a57-year-old famer with no higher education , designed his novel low-carbon living spaces to combine solar and bioenergy sources .

  22. 在提倡低碳生活的今天,节约能源是国家和人民都很重视的问题。

    At the time we are advocating low-carbon life , the country and people pay great attention to the problem of energy conservation .

  23. 提高能源的利用效率不仅为企业节约开支、减少成本,也是保护环境,节能减排、低碳生活的根本。

    Improving the energy efficiency is not only to save enterprises ' capitals but also the purpose of protecting environment and low-carbon life .

  24. 同时期开幕的广东两会上,委员们的提案也不约而同提及“绿色能源”、“低碳生活”这些关键词。

    During the period of " 2 conferences "," green energy " and " low carbon life " became keys words at a time .

  25. 酒店以“低碳生活,环保鹿城”作为自己的主题文化,受到国内外消费者的高度欢迎。

    Hotels with " low-carbon life , environmental protection Lucheng " as the theme of their own culture , is highly welcomed by domestic and foreign consumers .

  26. 作为典型的绿色消费品,可以说,一块小小的手帕,本身就是“节能减排”与“低碳生活”的行动标志和绿色载体。

    As a green product , a small handkerchief itself is the green carrier and the symbol of energy conservation , emission reduction and low carbon life .

  27. 要倡导适度消费和低碳生活方式,减少不必要的消费,减少资源浪费,提高资源利用效率。

    We should advocate moderate consumption and low carbon lifestyle , to reduce unnecessary consumption , to reduce the waste of resources , to improve resource utilization efficiency .

  28. 有一位从事电影工作的美国人,被请来去作为一加拿大公司的代表,并走上讲台发表有关低碳生活方式的演讲;

    One friend of his , an American who works in film , was paid to represent a Canadian company and give a speech espousing a low-carbon future .

  29. “低碳生活周”就是让我们花点时间去反思,当我们放弃一些现代社会带给我们的东西的时候,我们是否会实际上过得更好。

    No Impact Week is about taking some time to see whether we might actually find ourselves better off without some of what modern society is bringing us .

  30. 既然环保的生活方式拥有这么多的优点,绿色建筑运动与低碳生活方式会不会受到欢迎,成为未来的主导潮流呢?

    With all of these positive attributes concerning eco-living , will the green construction movement and a low carbon lifestyle gain popularity and become the predominant trend of the future ?