
cǎo dì
  • grass;grassland;lawn;meadow;sward;grass-plot;meadowland;lea;greensward
草地 [cǎo dì]
  • (1) [grassland]∶长草的地方

  • (2) [meadow]∶草原

  • (3) [grassplot;lawn]∶种植牧草的大片土地

草地[cǎo dì]
  1. 春天,草地上开满了黄水仙。

    In the spring , the meadow is a mass of daffodils .

  2. 我们乘坐平底长船溯河而上到格兰切斯特,在草地上举行野餐。

    We punted up towards Grantchester and had a picnic in a meadow .

  3. 她看到草地上银光闪亮。

    She saw a glint of silver in the grass .

  4. 热带森林被砍伐,腾出地方做草地。

    Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland .

  5. 我们踏过湿漉漉的草地去看那座雕像。

    We tramped across the wet grass to look at the statue .

  6. 不准践踏草地。

    You 're not supposed to walk on the grass .

  7. 房子四周是五十英亩草地。

    The house is set in fifty acres of parkland .

  8. 他用背袋当枕头仰卧在草地上。

    He lay back on the grass using his backpack as a pillow .

  9. 所谓跑道不过是一长条草地而已。

    The runway is simply a strip of grass .

  10. 大火是星期六晚些时候在斯内克河附近干枯的草地上燃起的。

    The fire started late Saturday in tinder-dry grass near the Snake River .

  11. 她头枕着胳膊躺在草地上。

    She lay on the grass , her head pillowed on her arms .

  12. 草地和林地相互交错。

    Grass fields were intermixed with areas of woodland .

  13. 本和杰克在草地上扭打起来。

    Ben and Jack struggled together on the grass .

  14. 她俯卧在草地上。

    She was lying face downwards on the grass .

  15. 孩子们在村中心的草地上玩耍。

    Children were playing on the village green .

  16. 牛群放牧在牧场草地上。

    The cattle were put out to pasture .

  17. 勿践踏草地。

    Don 't walk on the grass .

  18. 我们走过松软的草地。

    We walked across the springy grass .

  19. 草地一片片地变成褐色。

    The grass was browning in patches .

  20. 他们跑过草地。

    They ran over the grass .

  21. 她匆匆地挥了挥手便穿过草地离开了。

    She gave a hurried wave and set off across the grass

  22. 我正草草地写着日记,灯灭了。

    As I scribbled in my diary the light went out .

  23. 昨天警方的蛙人在公用草地上的一个小池塘里打捞。

    Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common .

  24. 缎子拖鞋轻盈地踏过沾着露珠的草地。

    The satin slippers tread daintily through the dewy grass .

  25. 有些油渗出来了,把草地染得变了颜色。

    Some oil had seeped out , discolouring the grass .

  26. 窗户外边是一块草地,高高的草随风摇摆。

    The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass .

  27. 灌木树篱和草地中开满了五彩缤纷的野花。

    Hedgerows and meadows are thick with a tapestry of wild flowers .

  28. 我们说话的时候,他们家的4个孩子在草地上玩侧手翻。

    Their four children turn cartwheels in the grass as we talk .

  29. 草地网球协会暂停了卡斯尔先生在英国队的职务。

    The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team .

  30. 他继续前行,穿过湿漉漉的草地,裤腿全湿透了。

    He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs .