
cǎo shū
  • characters executed swiftly and with strokes flowing together;rapid cursive style of writing;grass writing;running hand;grass characters;calligraphy executed with strokes flowing together;Chinese characters written in the cursive hand;cursive
草书 [cǎo shū]
  • [grass characters;calligraphy executed with strokes flowing together;Chinese characters written in the cursive hand] 汉字六体中继甲骨文、金文、隶书、楷书之后出现的一种书法字体。特点是笔画相连,书写时速度快

草书[cǎo shū]
  1. 他擅长书法,以草书见功。

    He is good at Chinese calligraphy , especially at the running style .

  2. 草书讲究连写。

    The cursive script requires linkage between strokes .

  3. 我已经记不得如何去写草书的大写字母Z。

    I can 't remember how to write a capital Z in cursive .

  4. 人们还担心,美国的孩子们正在与自己的历史割裂(如果你想阅读《独立宣言》(DeclarationofIndependence)原本,就必须看懂草书)。

    There is also concern that children are getting cut off from their history ( if you want to read the Declaration of Independence in the original , you need to understand cursive script ) .

  5. 对于那些你使用Dreamweaver,就像我一样,你会发现它喜欢用草书代码。

    For those of you using Dreamweaver , like myself , you 'll find that it likes to use longhand code .

  6. 阿林顿(美国马萨诸塞州一城市)和其他校区都在使用简易的草体字,草书爱好者JaneAwson表示,教师不再教授书法,因此他们不再注重书法。

    Jane Awson , founder of a new simpler style of cursive used by Arlington and other school districts , says teachers don 't learn how to use penmanship any more . So they don 't enforce it .

  7. 从笔法看草书风格的演变

    The Evolution of Chinese Cursive Script through its Strokes On Styles

  8. 草书的奇遇改变了他的一生。

    Acursiveadventure that changed the whole current of his life happened .

  9. 以草书写用草书的方法写(字母或词)

    To form ( letters or words ) in cursive style .

  10. 参照人的汉字草书书写习惯,提出模糊识别汉字草体手写输入算法。

    Provide the indefiniteness arithmetic according to human 's writing habit .

  11. 僧人草书的缺陷使得其影响非常短暂;

    The limitation of monk cursive script makes its influence brevity .

  12. 流传下来的作品有《四季花鸟》、《竹石图》、《草书对联》。

    The iron handicraft products he made continue to be handed down .

  13. 属于或由古埃及一种草书手写体书写。

    Written or belonging to a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing .

  14. 草书是创作灵感的最佳载体。

    Cursive is the inspiration for the best carrier .

  15. 教师们要求学生手写,但学生们忘记了草书的写法。

    They let students print . And students forget how to write cursive .

  16. 揭示了草化、草法、草书艺术性三者之间的内在关系。

    Reveal the intrinsic relationship between grass , grass Law and cursive artistry .

  17. 对中晚唐僧人草书现象产生的原因进行探讨:禅宗的兴盛使得僧人用草书作为参禅悟道的手段;

    Discuss the reason of why the phenomenon of cursive script monk produced .

  18. 一方面,许多简体字来源于中国草书的通行写法;

    Many simplified characters are adaptations from common usage in Chinese cursive script ;

  19. 中文的草书体很难读。

    Chinese cursive writing is very difficult to read .

  20. 在现实中,茱莉亚几乎从来用不到草书。

    In reality , Julia almost never uses it .

  21. 埃及象形文字的一种草书形式;特别被牧师所用。

    A cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphics ; used especially by the priests .

  22. 王羲之是“草书”的鼻祖。

    Wang Xizhi was the grand master and founder of " cao shu " .

  23. 我看不清楚他的草书-给我

    I can 't make out his script . - Give it to me .

  24. 碑帖并进成为清代行草书发展的特殊形态。

    Rubbings hand into the development of the Qing Dynasty a special form of cursive .

  25. 尚态的极致&王铎草书在明代草书史上的地位分析

    The status analysis of WANG Duo 's cursive script in calligraphy history of Ming Dynasty

  26. 脚本面临的目的是模仿草书手写或使实际的笔迹。

    Script faces are designed to mimic cursive handwriting or are made from actual handwriting .

  27. 而近年的“草书三部曲”表现的则是中国的书法艺术。

    The company 's more recent work Cursive Trilogy shows the art of Chinese calligraphy .

  28. 或者应该问,你知道“草书”这个词是啥意思不?

    In fact , do you even know what the word " cursive " means ?

  29. 于右任的标准草书及其研究方法的得失

    You-ren Yu 's Standard Cursive Hand and the Gain and Loss of it 's Research Method

  30. 书法的这个状态在草书中最为明显。

    The aspect of the Chinese calligraphy is most apparent in the cursive style of writing .