
  • 网络non-renewable energy source;non-regenerated energy resources;non-renewable energy;non-renewable resource
  1. 非再生能源发展财税政策体系的构建

    The construction of the financial policy system of China ′ s non-renewable energy for sustainable development

  2. 但随着人类的发展,一次非再生能源已经面临枯竭,解决能源问题,已成为人类社会发展的首要任务。

    But with human development , the non-renewable energy resources are already drying up , Solving the energy issue has become the primary task of human society development .

  3. 非再生能源产业发展循环型经济的战略思考&从工业生态学角度的分析

    Circular Economy of Non-renewable Resource of Energy : an Industrial Ecological Analysis

  4. 由于非再生能源资源量有限,生物质能的开发和利用就具有越来越重要的意义。

    As the amount of energy is becoming scarce , it is more important to exploit and use bio-energy .

  5. 传统住宅无论建造还是使用中均耗费大量非再生能源,并产生污染。

    It consumes a great lot of non-regeneration energy and pollutes environment that tradition house is built and used .

  6. 非再生能源的消费对环境的危害与非再生能源的日益减少,推动了清洁能源的开发与应用。

    The envinonmental pollution caused by the consumption of non-regenerated energy resources and its reduction day by day promote the exploitation of application of cleaning resources .

  7. 煤炭是当今世界使用最广泛的化石能源之一,但作为非再生能源,大量的使用导致了优质煤炭的日益紧缺。

    Coal is the most widely used fossil energy in the world , but as a non-renewable energy , extensive use has led to increasingly scarce of high-quality coal .

  8. 该机的目的是介绍什么的组织者说的是对骑自行车的危险,行人和石油和非再生能源等形式构成的环境。

    The ride aimed to highlight what the organisers said were the dangers to cyclists , pedestrians and the environment posed by oil and other forms of non-renewable energy .

  9. 世界能源需求不断增长,非再生能源濒临匮乏;发展低碳经济、减少温室气体排放、保护全球生态平衡,已成为全球的共识。

    With the increasing growth of the world energy demand and the run out of non-renewable energy , developing low carbon economy and reducing greenhouse emission and protecting the global ecological balance have become the consensus of the world .

  10. 国土资源领域发展循环经济,其目的就是实现自然资源的永续利用,要求非再生资源和能源消耗的最小化,尽量以可再生资源代之。

    The purpose of developing recycling economy in the field of lands and resources consist in realizing sustainable use of natural resources and using the non renewable resources as minimum as possible and replacing non renewable resources with renewable as far as possible .