
  • 网络Africa Geographic
  1. 目前,安哥拉的疫情是非洲唯一在地理范围上不断扩大的疫情。

    Angola 's outbreak is currently the only geographically expanding outbreak in Africa .

  2. 但是我却十分羡慕墨西哥比我的祖国非洲有更好的地理优势。

    But then there 's a bit of me that envies Mexicans their geographic advantage over places like my homeland , Africa .

  3. 东非地区位于非洲大陆东部,地理位置优越,地广物丰,气候怡人,极具市场潜力。

    In Africa , East Africa is a very convenient geographic location , with wide land , abundant natural resources and pleasant climate . It also has high market potential .