
Kǎn pà lā
  • Kampala
  1. 第二天她去了卢萨卡,坎帕拉或别的什么地方。

    The next day she was gone to Lusaka , Kampala , or wherever .

  2. 生活在乌干达坎帕拉的软件开发者JonathanGosier把在发展中国家写博客(网志)描述成“一个耐性、持久和独创性的一课”。

    Jonathan Gosier , a software developer living in Kampala , Uganda , describes blogging from a developing country as " a lesson in patience , endurance and ingenuity " .

  3. 一个小巴的士)几乎是无止境的队列Matatus(推进入出租车在坎帕拉公园。

    An almost endless queue of Matatus ( minibus taxis ) push to get into the taxi park in Kampala .

  4. 那是在乌干达,背景是个艾滋病感染最严重的地区,即位于首都坎帕拉西南方、距坎帕拉大约有五个小时车程的Rakai区。

    The place was Uganda and the setting was one of the hardest hit regions in the country by the AIDS pandemic-the Rakai district-southwest of the capital Kampala , about five hours drive by car .

  5. 声音1:在乌干达坎帕拉,速度就是一切。

    Voice 1 : In Kampala , Uganda speed is everything .

  6. 坎帕拉的爆炸导致几起逮捕行动。

    The bombings in Kampala have led to a number of arrests .

  7. 坎帕拉乌干达首都及最大城市,位于该国南部维多利亚湖上。

    Uganda , in the southern part of the country on Lake Victoria .

  8. 声音2:Watoto组织在乌干达坎帕拉附近管理儿童村。

    Voice 2 : Watoto manages children 's villages near Kampala , Uganda .

  9. 在乌干达首都坎帕拉对严重先兆子痫处理基于标准的审查

    A criteria-based audit of the management of severe pre-eclampsia in Kampala , Uganda

  10. 在坎帕拉成立的理论,不一定在伦敦(或者耶路撒冷)也成立。

    What is true in Kampala may not be true in Hackney or Jerusalem .

  11. 这个孤儿院位于坎帕拉的中心。

    It was in the centre of Kampala .

  12. 世界上最快的出租车之一是坎帕拉的“博达博达”。

    One of the fastest taxis in the world is the boda-boda in Kampala .

  13. 国际刑事法庭的各成员国本月在乌干达的坎帕拉会面。

    Member countries of the International Criminal Court met this month in Kampala , Uganda .

  14. 这样,坎帕拉的研究人员可以迅速在数据库中搜索答案。

    That way , the researchers in Kampala can quickly search the database for answers .

  15. 非洲持久发展坎帕拉宣言

    Kampala Declaration on Lasting Development in Africa

  16. 坎帕拉妇女与和平行动计划

    Kampala Action Plan on Women and Peace

  17. 爆炸发生在一辆前往乌干达首都坎帕拉的公共汽车上。

    The blast hit a bus about to set off for the Ugandan capital Kampala .

  18. 40名社工用手机帮助村民连线坎帕拉呼叫中心的接线员。

    Forty community workers with mobile phones connect villagers to call center operators in Kampala .

  19. 但是,在坎帕拉有盲人,但是,他们不喜欢拳击。

    But , in Kampala , there are , but , they don 't like boxing .

  20. 本周,坎帕拉发生爆炸,乌干达人埋葬了死者。

    Ugandans buried their dead this week after bombings that killed more than seventy people in Kampala .

  21. 提出医疗工作人员的全球不足的第一个会议在乌干达人的首都坎帕拉打开。

    The first conference addressing the global shortage of health workers opens in the Ugandan capital Kampala .

  22. 同时,在乌干达首都坎帕拉持续的和平谈判进展甚微。

    Meantime , continuing peace talks in the Ugandan capital , Kampala , have shown little progress .

  23. 不在坎帕拉本地的患者可能要长达一个月时间才能收到活组织检查结果。

    It can take a month for a patient outside Kampala to get results from a biopsy .

  24. 大部分外来人士都居住在坎帕拉,在这里英语很普遍并且到处都是国际饭店。

    The majority of expats live in Kampala , where English is common and international restaurants abound .

  25. 在首都坎帕拉,你可以看到这个国家在努力前进的童话般迹象。

    In the capital , Kampala , you see tell-tale signs of a country struggling to keep up .

  26. 官员们表示,非洲联盟将按计划于下周在坎帕拉召开会议。

    Officials say the African Union will hold its big meeting in Kampala this coming week as planned .

  27. 坎帕拉指责在喀土穆的苏丹中央政府提供圣主抵抗军予以帮助,喀土穆否认此指控。

    Kampala accused Sudan 's central government in Khartoum of providing support to the LRA , a charge Khartoum denies .

  28. 青少年文化艺术和创意中心位于乌干达的坎帕拉,在刚果有一个代表部门。

    The cultural art and creative youth centre is based in Kampala , Uganda with a representative office in Congo .

  29. 在位于坎帕拉的Mengo医院中,他对患者的病情进行了详细描述。

    Sir Albert Cook of the Church Missionary Society described the condition in patients at his Mengo Hospital in Kampala .

  30. 这个报道在联合邦政府在坎帕拉举办的两年一次的会议被介绍,并且被接受。

    It was presented to and accepted by Commonwealth Heads of Government at their recent biennial meeting in Kampala , Uganda .