
Kǎn tè bó léi
  • Canterbury
  1. 昨天坎特伯雷大主教严厉抨击了几位与人通奸的公众人物。

    The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday hit out at public figures who commit adultery

  2. 坎特伯雷大主教就第三世界的债务问题向欧洲的领导人发出了警告。

    The Archbishop of Canterbury has sounded a warning to Europe 's leaders on third world debt

  3. 我们从英国出发,在伦敦呆了两天,在坎特伯雷又呆了一天。

    We started in England and we spent two days in London and another day in Canterbury .

  4. 他是一位认证Java程序员,拥有坎特伯雷大学计算机科学方面的学位。

    He is a certified Java Programmer and he has a degree in Computer Science from Canterbury University .

  5. 比方说,在《坎特伯雷故事集》(CanterburyTales)里,当中的一个人物决定在睡了第一觉后回到床上再躺一下。

    A character in the Canterbury Tales , for instance , decides to go back to bed after her first sleep .

  6. 没错,目前有三位伊顿人大权在握,他们分别是英国首相、伦敦市长和坎特伯雷大主教(ArchbishopofCanterbury)。

    It is true there is currently a trinity of Etonians in power , as prime minister , mayor of London and Archbishop of Canterbury .

  7. 坎特伯雷新任大主教就任仪式在英国举行,坎特伯雷大主教是圣公会的精神领袖,据NPR新闻的菲利普·里夫斯报道,大主教在坎特伯雷大教堂举行了正式的宣誓就职仪式。

    The enthronement has taken place in Britain of the new archbishop of Canterbury , spiritual head of the Anglicans , NPR 's Philip Reeves says the archbishop was formally sworn in at a ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral .

  8. 今天,我们将迎来一种新的教会模式,并携手前行,坎特伯雷大主教贾斯汀·韦尔比(JustinWelby)在投票结束后说。

    Today we can begin to embrace a new way of being the church and moving forward together , the archbishop of Canterbury , the Most Rev . Justin Welby , said after the vote .

  9. 这多种思想因素的结合,使《坎特伯雷故事》呈现出鲜明的两重性。

    The combination of these factors makes Canterbury Tales show duality .

  10. 《坎特伯雷的故事》有许多手稿。

    The Canterbury Tales exist ( s ) in many manuscripts .

  11. 公元579年圣奥古丁成为坎特伯雷大主教。

    In 579 St. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury .

  12. 对于坎特伯雷的大主教,我认为他的行为是可耻的。

    As for the Archbishop of Canterbury I consider his behaviour disgraceful .

  13. 那是坎特伯雷大主教的脸。

    That 's the face of the Archbishop of canterbury .

  14. 和坎特伯雷的理解相通的美国教会。

    US church in communication with the see of Canterbury .

  15. 我记得坎特伯雷大主教在一场布道会里批评摇滚乐。

    I remember the Archbishop of Canterbury preaching a sermon against rock'n'roll .

  16. 坎特伯雷故事集是乔叟。杰夫里的杰作。

    P.S the Canterbury Tales is Jeffrey chaucer 's masterwork .

  17. 坎特伯雷大主教为这对新人证婚。

    The couple were married by the Archbishop of canterbury .

  18. 《坎特伯雷故事集》是杰弗雷·乔叟于1387年写的。

    The Canterbury Tales was written by Geoffrey Chaucer in1387 .

  19. 坎特伯雷大主教被称为全英总主教。

    The Archbishop of Canterbury is called the Primate of All England .

  20. 坎特伯雷大主教知道你这么说话吗?

    The Archbishop of Canterbury know you talk like this ?

  21. 朝圣者众生相&《坎特伯雷故事集》之总引

    Portraits of the Pilgrims & on the General prologue of The Canterbury Tales

  22. 坎特伯雷大教堂、圣奥古斯丁修道院和圣马丁教堂

    Canterbury Cathedral , Saint Augustine 's Abbey , and Saint Martin 's Church

  23. 我是在坎特伯雷大教堂偶然地碰到过他。

    I met him by chance at Canterbury Cathedral .

  24. 在坎特伯雷附近与警察的枪战被击毙。

    In a gun battle with police near canterbury .

  25. 我借了一匹马,骑到坎特伯雷当面去问阿格尼斯。

    I borrowed a horse and rode to Canterbury to ask Agnes myself .

  26. 每次我在坎特伯雷时,总要去瞻仰一下大教堂。

    Whenever I 'm in Canterbury I make a point of visiting the cathedral .

  27. 可有一天,姨婆提议我应该到坎特伯雷寄宿学校去上学。

    But one day my aunt suggested that I should go toboarding schoolin Canterbury .

  28. 他是坎特伯雷大教堂的风琴手。

    He is the organist of Canterbury cathedral .

  29. 坎特伯雷大主教在英国国教中拥有最高地位。

    The Archbishop of Canterbury holds the highest position in the Church of England .

  30. 在《坎特伯雷故事集》中的一个角色“巴斯夫人”是如何体现的?

    What does the character the wife of Bath in The Canterbury Tales represent ?