
ɡāo zhǎo dì
  • moorland
  1. 他们已经仔细搜遍了其间绵延数英里的高沼地。

    They had scoured the intervening miles of moorland .

  2. 他们犁了将近10万英亩未开垦的高沼地。

    They ploughed nearly 100,000 acres of virgin moorland .

  3. 他们犁了将近10万英亩未开垦的高沼地

    They plowed nearly 100000 acres of virgin moorland .

  4. 他们在高沼地搭帐篷过夜。

    They pitched camp on the moor for the night .

  5. 最后,他们来到了高沼地中小路的交汇处。

    At last , they reached the point where all the moorland paths crossed .

  6. 高沼地似乎就像对待一位久未谋面的老朋友一样欢迎她的归来,而她的情绪也高涨起来。

    The moor seemed to welcome her back like a long-lost friend and her spirits rose .

  7. 就好比她每次打开前门都会看到高耸的高沼地。

    Like the moor which looked down on her every time she opened her front door .

  8. 尽管有顾虑,但在晚夏阳光的照耀下,高沼地的诱惑太大了。

    Despite misgivings , the attraction of the moor in the late summer sun was too strong .

  9. 在回家的路上,她选择了一条绕远的路线,一条在高沼地底部边缘蜿蜒前行的道路。

    Making her way home , she chose the longer route that twisted along the foot of the moor .

  10. 年来,她和迈克一年四季都会在高沼地上花上来散步,两个人陪伴很是惬意。

    Over the years , she and Mike had spent many hours walking on it , marking the changing seasons , content in each other 's company .