
ɡāo bèi wànɡ yuǎn jìnɡ
  • high-power binoculars
  1. 高倍望远镜,众望所归。

    This powerful telescope has met the expectations of the masses .

  2. 他用高倍望远镜沿着山边搜寻。

    He raked the hillside with powerful glasses .

  3. 警察用高倍望远镜沿着山边搜查,但没有看到逃犯。

    The police raked the hillside with powerful glasses but did not see the escaped prisoner .

  4. 在高倍望远镜下许多星星仍未被发现。警察用高倍望远镜在山坡上搜寻,但并没有发现逃犯。

    With earth-based telescopes many stars remain undiscovered . The police raked the hillside with powerful glasses but did not see the escaped prisoners .

  5. 而且你没必要拥有像美国海军天文台这里一样的高倍望远镜。

    And you don 't have to have the kinds of high-powered equipment they have at places like here at the U.S. Naval Observatory .

  6. 在两架高倍望远镜的协助下,他们绘制出了一张78转虫胶唱片,以及一张1909年录制的蜡筒上的纹道。

    With the aid of a powerful microscope they mapped out the grooves of an old 78 RPM shellac disk and the grooves on a wax cylinder recorded in 1909 .

  7. 通过高倍太空望远镜可以清楚地看到宇宙尘。

    Through high-power space telescopes , people can see cosmic dust clearly .