
  • 网络Gaobeidian;gaobeidian city
  1. 2002年高碑店市箱包业苯中毒事件调查分析

    Analysis on the benzene poisoning event about Gaobeidian 's bag industry in 2002

  2. 对河北省高碑店市10个村50位失地农户自1994年以来三次大规模征地的土地征用价格进行实际调查显示,土地征用后的用途是影响土地补偿价格的重要因素。

    An investigation of the prices of land expropriation for the fifty land-expropriated farmers in ten villages of Gaobeidian , Hebei province shows that the purpose after the land expropriation is an important factor that influences land compensation prices .

  3. 本篇论文按照区域经济非均衡发展理论,对高碑店市区域经济发展不平衡进行研究分析,并进行综合评价,以科学的发展观为指导,提出高碑店市区域经济发展战略。

    This thesis analyzes the unbalanced regional economic development of the town of Gaobeidian , based on the theory of unbalanced development regional economy , and makes comprehensive evaluations , and then puts forward the regional economic development strategies from the viewpoint of scientific development .