
  • 网络Qian'an
  1. 迁安市建设第二水厂输配水管材及接口的选择

    The water supply pipe and interface choice in building No.2 water plant in Qian'an

  2. 二灰稳定磁化轮道路基层在迁安市的推广应用

    Popularization and application of lime-fly ash stabilizing magnetization wheel road base on Qian'an city

  3. 基于Kriging法和GIS技术的迁安市农田重金属污染评价

    Assessment for Heavy Metal Pollution in Farmland of Qian ′ an City Based on Kriging and GIS Technique

  4. 第6章,提出迁安市城镇化的对策措施。

    Chapter 6 , urbanization Qian ' an proposed countermeasures .

  5. 第3章,迁安市城镇化发展的条件评价。

    Chapter 3 , Qian ' an evaluate the conditions of urbanization .

  6. 钢厂的利润让迁安市变得更加富有。

    The city grew wealthier on the back of the mill 's profits .

  7. 主要写到了迁安市的概况以及城镇化发展的优势与劣势。

    Mainly wrote about the profile of Qian ' an and urbanization of the strengths and weaknesses .

  8. 第5章,就迁安市城镇体系的规模、职能、结构进行了规划。

    Chapter 5 , on the size of the urban system Qian ' an , functions , structure planning .

  9. 华北油田的大部分在河北省,在邯郸和迁安市为主要的铁矿区。

    Much of the North China Oilfield is found in Hebei , and there are also major iron mines at Handan and Qian'an .

  10. 最后,结合循环经济的概念,对迁安市的循环可持续发展规划提出了一些政策建议。

    Finally , this paper introduced the concept of recycle economy and made some suggestions about the sustainable development of Qian ' an City .

  11. 介绍了迁安市迁安镇二中在实验教学中实践创新教育的经验和体会。

    This article introduces the experience and realizations carrying out Innovation education in the experiment teaching at Qianan Town No2 Middle School Qianan City .

  12. 以迁安市为例,对迁安市的干旱程度进行综合评价,结果表明灰色模糊聚类分析法在区域干旱评价中是适用的。

    Qian ′ an city arid degree is evaluated , it indicates that the analytic method of the gray-fuzzy in the region arid evaluation is suitable .

  13. 论文结合迁安市城镇化存在的问题,主要从推进体制创新、科学制定发展规划、完善城市功能提高城市品位等方面有针对性地提出了对策措施。

    Paper combines the Qian ' an urbanization problems , mainly to promote institutional innovation , scientific development planning , urban functions and improving urban quality and so it puts forward the countermeasures .

  14. 对人口发展条件做出评价,在此基础上进行了人口和城镇化水平预测,并提出了迁安市的城镇化发展目标与战略。

    Make the evaluation of conditions for the development of population , in this based on population and urbanization projections and proposed the development of urbanization in Qian ' an city goals and strategies .

  15. 第4章,迁安市城镇化发展动力机制与战略研究,主要讨论了迁安市城镇化发展的动力机制,指出资源开发与工业化是迁安城镇化的核心动力。

    Chapter 4 , Qian ' an dynamic mechanism of urban development and strategic research , mainly discussed the Qian ' an the dynamic mechanism of urban development , resource development and industrialization that is the Core of Qian ' an town .