
  • 网络Xinji;Xinji city
  1. 根据河北省保定市和辛集市两地近十年对小麦叶锈病的调查资料,建立了一个小麦叶锈病中期预测模型。

    Based on the investigation data from both Baoding and Xinji City during the recent ten years , a mid-term forecast model for leaf rust of wheat was established .

  2. 辛集市隶属于河北省省会石家庄市。

    Part of Xinji City , Hebei Province in Shijiazhuang , the provincial capital .

  3. 虽然辛集市农村公路养护管理创新成果显著,但仍然存在着缺陷。

    Xinji City , rural road maintenance management innovations significantly , but there are still shortcomings .

  4. 辛集市投资环境优越,出台了一系列吸引外商投资的优惠政策。

    Xinji City , superior investment environment , and issued a series of preferential policies to attract foreign investment .

  5. 辛集市交通便利,石黄高速公路、307国道及铁路纵贯全境;

    Xinji City transport , stones Huang highway , 307 national highway and railway that runs its length throughout ;

  6. 调查了河北辛集市、无极县制革企业的污水治理情况和存在问题,考察了不同规模的制革废水处理工艺和设备运行状态,重点了解制革铬鞣的分流和污泥处理。

    This paper introduces the treatment of tannery waste water and problem existed , treatment process , running condition of equipment , difference on chromium tan waste water and sludge treatment .

  7. 靠辛集市优越的地理位置和经营环境,充足优良的原辅材料及劳动力资源,共兴中外皮革大业。

    Relying on the superior location , nice investment environment , high quality material and sufficient labor force resources , we are sure we can develop both at home and abroad leather industry vigorously .