
ɡāo jí zhuān yuán
  • high commissioner
  1. 他高度赞扬了联合国难民事务高级专员的工作。

    He lauded the work of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees

  2. 教皇方济各及联合国难民事务高级专员公署(UNHighCommissionerforRefugees)称,首要任务必须是在海上拯救生命。

    The Pope and UN High Commissioner for Refugees say the priority must be saving lives at sea .

  3. 他给德里的英国高级专员公署发了份电传。

    He sent a telex to the British High Commission in Delhi .

  4. 本文作者著有《改造巴基斯坦:摆脱不稳定的途径》(TransformingPakistan:WaysoutofInstability)一书,他曾担任英国驻巴基斯坦高级专员

    The writer is the author of Transforming Pakistan : Ways out of Instability and a former UK High Commissioner to Pakistan

  5. 去年12月,联合国难民事务高级专员公署(UNHighCommissionerforRefugees)呼吁欧盟为在内战中流离失所的叙利亚人提供13万个安置点。

    In December , the UN High Commissioner for Refugees appealed to the EU to provide 130,000 resettlement places for Syrians displaced by the civil war .

  6. 《Hello》首次注意到这张照片是在今早澳大利亚高级专员乔治·布兰迪斯拜访女王的时候。

    Hello first spotted the photo when Honorable George Brandis , the Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom paid a visit to the Queen this morning .

  7. 联合国难民事务高级专员署女发言人MelissaFleming表示,人们在战争区域越来越陷入困境。

    UNHCR spokeswoman , Melissa Fleming , says people are becoming in a war zone .

  8. 我来自东北非洲的苏丹,现在寻求难民在达喀尔塞内加尔在事务高级专员办事处(UNHCR)。

    I am from Northeastern Africa Sudan , now seeking for refugee in Dakar Senegal under the ( UNHCR ) .

  9. 地中海国家通过海运输送的非洲伤员越来越多,联合国难民事务高级专员UNHCR对伤员的治疗问题表示担忧。

    The UNHCR says it is concerned about the treatment of the growing number of Africans arriving by sea in Mediterranean countries .

  10. 2000年6月,时任南非驻香港高级专员公署(SouthAfricanHighCommissioninHongKong)外交官的格雷戈里•迪耶布(GregDe'Eb)参加了由香港贸易发展局组织的会议,主题是探讨香港能否成为亚洲的葡萄酒贸易中心。

    It was in June 2000 when Greg De'Eb , a diplomat at the South African High Commission in Hong Kong , attended a conference organized by the territory 's trade-development council asking whether the region could become the wine-trading center of Asia .

  11. 在去年法院作出相关判决之前,香港一直拒绝受理许多避难申请,实际上相当于把这些申请推给了驻香港的联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(U.N.HighCommissionerforRefugees)。该办事处帮助难民在其他地方寻找避难地。

    Until a court ruling last year , Hong Kong refused to handle many asylum requests , effectively outsourcing them to the local office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees , which helped refugees find homes elsewhere .

  12. UNHCR(联合国难民事务高级专员)发言人AdrianEdwards表示,该项目应耗费了2.5亿美元,而且该项目是数百万难民回乡的主要因素之一。

    UNHCR Spokesman Adrian Edwards said the program , which is an important element in the return of millions of refugees , has cost $ 250 million .

  13. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·凯莱门报道,联合国人权高级专员敦促国际社会采取更多措施,停止对叙利亚平民施加的暴力行为。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports the UN 's top human rights official is urging the international community to do much more to halt the violence against Syrian civilians .

  14. 联合国难民署高级专员安东尼奥•古特雷斯(AntonioGuterres)将于周一会见肯尼亚总统姆瓦伊•齐贝吉(MwaiKibaki),尝试消除障碍。

    The head of the UNHCR , Antonio Guterres , is due to meet the Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki on Monday to try to remove the obstacles .

  15. 联合国人权高级专员NaviPillay不同意该决定,再次呼吁进行调查。

    The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights , Navi Pillay , who disagreed with this decision , is once again calling for an investigation .

  16. 她为防止性暴力行动,美国对外关系委员会和联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(UNHCR)做了诸多贡献。

    She 's a noted advocate for many causes , including the Prevent Sexual Violence Initiative , the Council on Foreign Relations , and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) .

  17. 我们刚才已经听到了来自艾迪斯布里的尊敬的议员的有力证词,她引用了这段话。我也愿意为大家朗读一段来自库尔德斯坦地方政府驻伦敦高级专员KarwanJamalTahir上周所说的话:

    Now we heard very powerful testimony from the honourable member for Eddisbury earlier when she quoted that passage , and I just want to read what Karwan Jamal Tahir , the Kurdistan regional government high representative in London , said last week and I quote : ,

  18. 加拿大高级专员公署设在伦敦的特拉法尔加广场。

    The Canadian High Commission is in Trafalgar Square in london .

  19. 男:你觉得联合国难民事务高级专员办事处应该怎么做?

    M : How do you think U.N.H.C.R. should be doing ?

  20. 英国在渥太华的高级专员公署

    British high commission in ottawa or the uk high commission in ottawa

  21. 高级专员公署的工作人员被告知不要和记者谈话。

    The high commission staff were told not to speak to journalists .

  22. 太平洋岛屿托管领土高级专员

    High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

  23. 因为在联合国难民事务高级专员公署工作,所以我先去了叙利亚。

    I first went to Syria because I work with U.N.H.C.R.

  24. 续设联合国难民事务高级专员办事处

    Continuation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

  25. 他作为翻译成了高级专员公署中的成员。

    She was joined the high commission as an interpreter .

  26. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,该机构已经没有资金帮助苏丹南部的难民返回家园。

    UNHCR Running Out of Money to Repatriate Southern Sudan Refugees

  27. 难民事务高级专员卢旺达/布隆迪行动特使

    Special Envoy of the High Commissioner for the Rwanda / Burundi Operation

  28. 他获任命为联合国难民事务高级专员。

    He was appointed United Nation High Commissioner for refugees .

  29. 这位人权事务高级专员谴责缅甸当局对“纳尔吉斯”强热带风暴造成的灾难无动于衷。

    The High Commissioner condemned Burma 's apathetic response to Cyclone Nargis .

  30. 联合国难民事务高级专员说,每天大约有1500名索马里难民来到达达阿布。

    UNHCR says about 1500 Somali refugees arrive at Dadaab every day .