
jìng piàn
  • lens;optic;eyeglass
镜片 [jìng piàn]
  • [optic] 透镜

  • 这台仪器上的那些镜片

镜片[jìng piàn]
  1. 他摘下眼镜,疯狂地擦着镜片。

    He took off his spectacles and rubbed frantically at the lens

  2. 他调整显微镜的镜片以定焦点。

    He focuses the lens of a microscope .

  3. 用盐溶液清洗镜片。

    Wash the lenses in saline solution .

  4. 我把你那副绿色镜片的太阳镜装好了。

    I packed your sunglasses with the green lenses .

  5. 镜片后面的黑眼睛快速转动着,扫一眼就全都记下了。

    The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving , taking in everything at a glance .

  6. 他戴着绿色镜片墨镜。

    He wore green-tinted glasses .

  7. 换新的眼镜时,应该确保镜片上有一层防反射膜。

    When getting a new prescription , make sure the lenses have an antireflective coating .

  8. 老太太取下眼镜,对着镜片哈气,然后用围裙角擦了起来。

    The old woman took off her spectacles , breathed on them , and rubbed them with a corner of her apron .

  9. 一副有色镜片眼镜

    a pair of glasses with tinted lenses

  10. 这个好些,我想把镜片也换上,可惜没有带视力记录来

    Don 't worry , Miss . We have qualified optometrists here an eye test now .

  11. 清澈透明的亚克力镜片。光的透光度更好,更亮

    Limpid transparent Asian gram force lens . The light penetrability is better , is brighter .

  12. 异种表面角膜镜片术与泪液前列腺素E2含量的变化

    Human Xenogeneic Epikeratophakia and Its Related Prostaglandin E 2 Variation in Tears

  13. 镜片在眼中状态:移动度优良者,A镜片为91%,B镜片为95%;

    Lens performance : excellence in movement with A lens is 91 % , B lens is 95 % ;

  14. 基于线阵CCD镜片轮廓测量系统的研究

    Edge Detection System of Lens Based on Linear Array CCD

  15. 二氧化碳(CO2)激光治疗机激光束扩散镜片的合理设计

    The Ideal Design of the Mirrors for the CO_2 Laser Treatment Apparatus Scattering its Beams

  16. 方法使用红镜片复像分析,同视机、CT或MRI等进行检查。

    Methods Analyse diplopia image by red lens . Make exam-ination using synoptophore , CT or MRI etc.

  17. 独特的3D立体花纹设计,融入更多的时尚元素,让整个镜片充满层次感。

    Unique3D stereoscopic pattern design , into more fashionable element , let whole lens full of administrative levels .

  18. RS微棱镜片的性能及适用范围

    The Function and Application Range of RS Mini - Prism Plate

  19. 结果:①镜片稳定性:A镜片旋转范围≤5°为82%,B镜片为52%。

    Results : ① Lens stability : A lens rotation ≤ 5 ° takes 82 % , B lens takes 52 % .

  20. 这种思考方式就是Jane在看待自己时带上的扭曲镜片。

    This thought pattern was the set of distorting lenses through which Jane saw herself .

  21. UG下的非球面镜片的设计

    Application of UG in the design of aspherical lens

  22. 异种表面角膜镜片术后外周血T细胞亚群和NK细胞活性的流式细胞仪分析

    Analysis of the peripheral T lymphocyte subsets and natural killer cell activity after xenogenic epikeratophakia with flow cytometry

  23. 例如,该手机配备的第六个光学镜片可在光线较暗的环境下协助成像,而SmartCamera功能则能在极短时间内连拍多张照片。

    A sixth lens , for instance , will assist photography in lowlight situations and a ' Smart Camera ' feature captures multiple features at once .

  24. 根据角膜上皮愈合的情况,镜片连续配戴3d或7d。

    The lenses were worn continuously for 3 or 7 days , depending on the condition of the epithelium .

  25. 全自动数字查片仪利用了光学原理,电机技术,CCD传感器技术和DSP技术,实现了镜片检测的自动化、高精度化和功能的多样化。

    The Auto Lensmeter uses optic theory , motor technology , CCD technology and DSP technology . It realizes automatization , high precision and function diversification .

  26. 在用这一原型进行试验的过程中,Silver发现他可以通过在两层柔韧隔膜之间加入数量不等的硅油来调整镜子的镜片。

    While experimenting with his mirror prototypes , Silver found he could adjust the lens in the mirrors by varying the amount of silicone oil between two flexible membranes .

  27. 在本文中,用UG/KF开发了非球面镜片,并用UG/MoldWizard为非球面镜片设计了模具。

    In the article , aspherical lens was designed by UG / KF and the mold of aspherical lens was designed by UG / Mold Wizard .

  28. 超级防水加硬多涂层光学镜片光传输系统中的新颖超强FEC级联码

    Super water proof multi-coated lens Study on the Novel Super-FEC Concatenated Code for Optical Transmission Systems

  29. 各类精密元器件的托盘:相机配件、镜片、电子零件等;各类高科技吸塑产品导电和防静电PS、PVC、PP、PET、吸塑托盘。

    We produce PS , PVC , PP and PET conductive or anti-static blister trays for containing camera and electronic components , lens and other high tech products .

  30. 高Dk值RGP镜片对角膜内皮细胞没有显著影响。

    High - Dk RGP shows no significant effect on the endothelium .