
  • 网络cancun;Cancun Mexico;Cancn
  1. 在墨西哥的度假胜地坎昆,潜水爱好者们正游经英国艺术家JasondeCairesTaylor'的雕像“TheManonFire”。

    Divers swim near British artist Jason de Caires Taylor 's sculpture " The Man on Fire " in the Mexican resort of Cancun .

  2. 以农业谈判为首,WTO新回合谈判在坎昆会议上遭到了失败。

    The new round of negotiations , the most important of which was the agricultural negotiation , was unsuccessful at the Fifth Ministerial Conference in Cancun .

  3. 唐和我的生活方式非常好,工作结束后,我们常常在坎昆和巴哈马等地好好度假,只是为了放松一下。

    Don and I had a really great lifestyle , and when the work was finished , we used to take good vacations in places like Cancum and the Bahams , just to get relaxed .

  4. 从坎昆会议看WTO多边贸易体系存在的缺陷及其改革

    The Drawbacks and Reformation of WTO Multi-Trade System after Canc ú n Ministerial Conference

  5. 英国艺术家JasondeCairesTaylor正在墨西哥度假胜地坎昆的海底为雕像“TheManonFire”做最后的修饰。

    British artist Jason de Caires Taylor works on a sculpture called " The Man on Fire " underwater in this undated in the Mexican resort of Cancun .

  6. 2003年9月坎昆会议破裂以后,多哈回合谈判陷入僵局,WTO的威信和多边贸易体制的前景受到挑战。

    Especially the break down of Cancun meeting in September 2003 made the negotiation reaching to a deadlock . The prestige of WTO and the prospect of multilateral trade system were challenged .

  7. 坎昆会议肩负着崇高的历史使命和重大的历史责任,将对新一轮谈判进程和WTO的发展产生深远影响。

    Blessed with a lofty historical mission and great historical responsibility , the Cancun Conference is destined to have far-reaching impact on the progress of the new round and development of the WTO .

  8. 在墨西哥的度假胜地坎昆,一名潜水爱好者游过英国艺术家JasondeCairesTaylor'的雕像“希望之花”。

    A diver swims near British artist Jason de Caires Taylor 's sculpture " The Flower of Hope " in the Mexican resort of Cancun .

  9. 十几名潜水者大跳Harlemshake,在坎昆市秀出海底版的热舞Harlemshake。

    About a dozen divers swam the Harlem shake , performing their version of the dance on the ocean floor outside Cancun .

  10. 尤其是,2003年9月召开的WTO第五次部长级会议即坎昆会议的失败,意味着国际多边贸易谈判受挫,进一步增加了各国采取更加保守贸易政策的可能性。

    In particular , the failure of the 5th WTO Ministerial Conference held in Cancun in September 2003 meant the frustration of international multilateral trade negotiation , which has further increased the possibility of various countries taking more conservative trade policies .

  11. 近年来,WTO多哈回合谈判步履维艰以及坎昆会议的受挫,加速了全球区域经济合作的发展,区域贸易协定已成为国际经济合作的一种重要法律形式。

    In recent years , WTO negotiation went on with great difficulties in Doha and even suffered frustrations in Cancun conference , which has quickened global economic cooperation within regions . Regional trade agreement has become an important form for international economy cooperation .

  12. ②我们还不知道坎昆是否有一天会成为多哈回合的敦克尔克(Dunkirk)。

    We still do not know whether Cancun will someday be seen as the Dunkirk of the Doha Round .

  13. 安永指出,韩国与墨西哥等国家在清洁技术领域的投资也在迅速增长。联合国(UN)的气候变化谈判正在墨西哥坎昆举行。安永指出,罗马尼亚与埃及也拥有快速增长的风电行业。

    Ernst & Young also pointed to burgeoning investment in clean technology in countries such as South Korea and Mexico , which is hosting the United Nations climate change talks in Canc ú n. Romania and Egypt also boast fast-growing wind sectors , the consultancy noted .

  14. 我知道,在理论上,远离熙攘的游客,就意味着要离开巴厘岛南部的两处游客聚集地。一处是库塔海滩(Kuta),在年轻的澳大利亚人当中被视作生活颓废的坎昆(Cancun);

    Ideally , I knew , getting away from the tourist crowd meant heading away from southern Bali 's two tourist epicenters : Kuta , which has a reputation as a depraved Cancun for young Australians ;

  15. 坎昆会议也进一步标志着低碳时代来临。

    Cancun Conference further marked the coming of lower carbon era .

  16. 有次我去墨西哥的坎昆玩了一周

    And once I spent a week in Canc ú n ,

  17. 想让你的坎昆(墨西哥著名旅游城市)之旅呈现方式更活泼有趣吗?

    Want a fun way to remember that trip to Cancun ?

  18. 一副在坎昆寻欢作乐的样子

    looking like she 's on a bender in Cancun .

  19. 坎昆在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。

    Cancun is in Mexico , on the Yucatan Peninsula .

  20. 世贸坎昆会议穷国富国争论农业问题

    Rich and Poor Members Debate Agricultural Issue In Cancun

  21. 第三章展望了协议坎昆会议后的发展。

    Chapter 3 forecasts the prospect after Cancun Conference .

  22. 每年有数千名来自全球各地的游客来坎昆旅游。

    Every year thousands of tourists from all around the world visit Cancun .

  23. 虽然在坎昆非常不同,我的。

    Although very different in Cancun , and my .

  24. 从坎昆会议看中印在多边经济机制中的合作

    Sino-Indian Multi-lateral Economic Cooperation Mechanism at Cancun Meeting

  25. 科苏梅尔岛在坎昆的旁边。

    The island of Cozumel is near cancun .

  26. 参与坎昆会议的谈判代表们无需放弃达成全球协定的努力。

    The negotiators in Cancun need not abandon the quest for a global treaty .

  27. 无论在哥本哈根或坎昆

    whether they 're in Copenhagen or Cancun ,

  28. 坎昆怎么了

    Hey , what 's wrong with Cancun ?

  29. “基础四国”碳排放特征的差异,也反映在坎昆会议上各国志愿减排方面。

    These distinctions are reflected in the climate-related actions each country volunteered in Canc ú n.

  30. 在上周结束的坎昆会议上,那些持怀疑态度的人被证明错了。

    At the Cancun meeting , which ended last weekend , the sceptics were proved wrong .