
  1. 我们到达坎普尔时,我仍未拿定主意是否去冒险。

    I was still uncommitted to the venture when we reached Kanpur .

  2. 穆若立在坎普尔的印度科技学院科技取得硕士学位。

    Murali has a Masters in Technology from Indian Institute of Technology , Kanpur .

  3. 巴基斯坦和印度的城市,如奎达市和坎普尔市,还有博茨瓦那首都哈博罗内,污染水平也排在前列。

    Cities in Pakistan and India , such as Quetta and Kanpur , as well as Botswana 's capital Gaborone , also ranked high on the pollution scale .

  4. 在印度北部工业城市坎普尔一间作为诊所的简陋租凭房内,拉克希米萨加尔来回地走动着,动作轻快敏捷,让她的病人能够完全安心把自己交付在她的手中。

    As she moved , PERT and bird-like , round her tiny rented clinic in industrial Kanpur in northern India , Lakshmi Sehgal made her patients feel completely safe in her hands .