
  • 网络Lucknow;Bara Imambara;Dubai-Lucknow
  1. 在勒克瑙,成群的人们违抗宵禁令到街上去庆祝。

    In Lucknow crowds of people defied the curfew to celebrate on the streets .

  2. 勒克瑙的Amausi机场的安保也加强了。

    Security has also been tightened at Lucknow 's Amausi airport .

  3. 印度勒克瑙——右边的是米什蒂·亚达夫(MishtyYadav)。

    LUCKNOW , India - That 's Mishty Yadav on the right .

  4. 这件衬衫的面料有丝质和棉质两种,由来自印度勒克瑙(Lucknow)的裁缝手工缝制。勒克瑙是印度北部的乌塔普拉德什邦(UttarPradesh)的一个城市,以精致的刺绣品闻名遐迩。

    The shirt , available in silk or cotton , is hand-stitched by tailors in Lucknow , a city in India 's state of Uttar Pradesh known for its fine embroidery .

  5. 在勒克瑙市场,退休的地区部门总监旧金S.F.法鲁奇称政府最近对于燃料价格的增加也要承担部分责任。

    At the Lucknow market , retired geology department director S.F. Farooqui said the government 's recent increase in fuel prices is partly to blame .

  6. 米什蒂在勒克瑙的一家私人医院出生,并且很快就开始了母乳喂养。

    Mishty was born at a private hospital in Lucknow and started breast-feeding shortly after .

  7. 勒克瑙S波段卫星测控站综述

    S-Band TTC Ground Station Operational View

  8. 这是下午5点印度北部城市勒克瑙顾客们在这个蔬菜市场里拥挤不堪的景象。

    It 's 5 p.m. and customers are crowding this vegetable market in the northern Indian city of Lucknow .

  9. 防治勒克瑙根结线虫危害最有效、最经济的方法是利用勒克瑙根结线虫属于专性植物寄生虫的生物学特征,实行蔬菜轮作。

    The most effective and economical control is rotation of vegetables according to the biological specific plant parasitic character of M.lucknowica .

  10. 这个名为杰格迪茨·思恩的老人向他的新的学位目标进发:在勒克瑙大学修读英语文学博士学位。

    Jagdish Singh is in pursuit of his latest academic distinction : a D Litt in English Literature from Lucknow University .

  11. 在过去30年里,印度管理学院又建立了4所分校&分别位于班加罗尔、勒克瑙、印多尔和科泽科德。

    Four more IIMs have been built in India in the past three decades - in Bangalore , Lucknow , Indore and Kozhikode .

  12. 喂给神像的牛奶消失之后,印度北部城市勒克瑙和东部城市加尔各答的数百名群众唱起圣歌,陷入疯狂状态。

    Hundreds chanted hymns in the northern city of Lucknow and the eastern city of Kolkata andwent into hystericswhen the milk held against the idols disappeared .

  13. 有人看到,这群孩子在印度北方邦勒克瑙市的Daliganj铁路桥跳轨,身后就是疾驰而来的客运列车。

    The group were spotted running out in front of a large passenger train on the tracks of the Daliganj Railway Bridge in Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh .

  14. 当看见喂给神像的牛奶消失时,印度北部勒克瑙城和西部科尔卡塔城的数百名信奉者唱起了圣歌甚至歇斯底里地发狂。

    Hundreds chanted hymns in the northern city of Lucknow and the eastern city of Kolkata and went into hysterics when the milk held against the idols disappeared .

  15. 印度首都新德里有明显震感,东部和北部很多城市,如加尔各答和勒克瑙等都有明显或强烈的震感。

    Earthquake , was felt in the Indian capital New Delhi , many eastern and northern cities such as Calcutta and Lucknow and others have obvious or strongly felt .

  16. 印度勒克瑙S波段卫星测控站从1988年3月17日起就开始支持IRS&1A号卫星的任务。

    S-band TTC Ground Station , Lucknow has commenced the IRA-1A mission support since March 17 , 1988 . This paper provides the important features of the station in supporting the earth orbiting satellite .

  17. 巴蒂来自距离勒克瑙365公里外的马哈拉干,刚从高中毕业。她表示缺少室内厕所成为她嫁入婆家后需要面对的“巨大挑战”。

    A Class 12 student from Maharajganj , 365 km from Lucknow , said the lack of a toilet in the house was " a big challenge " for her at the " sasural . "