
  • 网络Leto;Meletus;Jared Leto
  1. 阿尔忒弥斯宙斯与勒托之女,是阿波罗的孪生妹妹。

    Artemis The daughter of Zeus and Leto , and the twin sister of Apollo .

  2. 阿波罗是宙斯和勒托之子,他有一个孪生妹妹狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯。

    Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto , and has a twin sister , the huntress Artemis .

  3. 在周末的鹿特丹港邀请赛上,塞巴斯蒂安。勒托已经得到许可,将上演其利物浦处子秀。

    Sebastian Leto has been given permission to make his Liverpool debut during this weekend 's port of Rotterdam tournament .

  4. 阿根廷左路球员勒托为开始其利物浦生涯,忍受了令人灰心的等待,不过主帅拉法。贝尼特斯已经证实了,未来几天他将出场。

    Argentinian left sided player Leto has endured a frustrating wait to get his Liverpool career underway but manager Rafael Benitez has confirmed he will figure over the next few days .