
  • 网络UNAM;Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico;The National Autonomous University of Mexico
  1. 墨西哥国立自治大学的教授YolandaLopéz-Vidal说她的研究组使用基因组学的方法发现了几个候选疫苗。

    Yolanda Lop é z-Vidal , a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico , said her research team has used genomic approaches to identify several vaccine candidates .

  2. 而墨西哥国立自治大学的科学教员负责人AndRosauraRuiz告诉该报说,这是“对国家发展的一个严重威胁”。

    And Rosaura Ruiz , science faculty director at the National Autonomous University of Mexico , told the paper this was " a serious threat to national development " .

  3. 墨西哥国立自治大学

    Mexico , National Autonomous University of

  4. 墨西哥国立自治大学NAUM位于墨西哥城,开放于1553年。

    The National Autonomous University of Mexico , based in Mexico City , was opened in 1553 .

  5. 化学奖由墨西哥国立自治大学科学家哈维尔·莫拉莱斯、米格尔·阿帕提嘉和维克托·M·卡斯塔诺共同获得。他们通过实验将龙舌兰酒转变为钻石薄膜。

    Javier Morales , Miguel Apatiga and Victor M Castano of Universidad Nacional Autonoma in Mexico , for creating diamonds from tequila .

  6. 墨西哥国立自治大学的一名名叫阿尔瓦罗·洛佩兹的旅游研究人员表示,提供与死亡、冒险以及灾难相关体验的暗黑旅游正在逐年壮大,已经成为一种真正的旅游方式。

    Dark tourism , which offers experiences linked to death , risks and disasters , is growing every year and has become a genuine tourist sector , Alvaro Lopez , a tourism researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico said .

  7. JesúsGalindoTrejo已经在墨西哥城的墨西哥国立自治大学天文研究所做了20年的研究员。

    Jes ú s Galindo Trejo has been a researcher for 20 years at the Astronomical Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City .

  8. 蝾螈在索契米克湖泊网络和墨西哥城周围的运河里土生土长,但因城市的开拓,这些水域遭致污染,以至于在2013年,墨西哥国立自治大学历经四个月的搜寻,都无法找到任何蝾螈作为标本。

    The fish is indigenous to the Xochomilco network of lakes and canals around Mexico City , but those waters have become so polluted due to urban sprawl that a 2013 study from Mexico 's National Autonomous University failed to turn up any specimens after four months of searching .