
  1. 此外,“墨子号”已经成功地追踪到了所有地面站点,精确度也很令人满意。

    The satellite has successfully tracked all ground stations with satisfactory accuracy .

  2. 这一名为“墨子号”的空间尺度量子科学实验卫星于今年8月在中国发射升空。

    Nicknamed " Micius , " the satellite , Quantum Experiments at Space Scale ( QUESS ) , was launched in China in August .

  3. 按照计划,墨子号将把一对纠缠的光子分别发送到相距1200公里的两个站点,从而测试更远距离上的量子纠缠。

    QUESS , as planned , will also beam entangled photons to two Earth stations , 1200 kilometers apart , in a move to test quantum entanglement over a greater distance .