
  1. 希望大家乘坐墨尔本有轨电车时玩得开心。

    Have fun on Melbourne 's trams .

  2. 播客第7期:墨尔本的有轨电车系统

    Podcast Number 7 - Melbourne 's Tram System

  3. 墨尔本的有轨电车不仅为墨尔本增添了色彩,同时也是墨尔本的一大特色。

    Melbourne 's trams add colour and are a part of the character of Melbourne .

  4. 实际上,墨尔本的有轨电车系统是世界上最大的城市有轨电车网络。

    Actually , Melbourne 's tram system is the largest city tram network in the world .

  5. 墨尔本的有轨电车系统覆盖了市中心和临近城市的多个郊区。

    Melbourne 's tram system provides transport for the city centre and many suburbs close to the city .

  6. 在墨尔本举行体育比赛或特殊赛事时,有大量民众会乘坐墨尔本有轨电车往返于体育馆。

    Melbourne 's trams also take very large numbers of people to and from the many sports and other special events here in Melbourne .