
qiè tīng
  • eavesdrop;wiretap;bug;intercept
窃听 [qiè tīng]
  • [eavesdrop] 偷听

  • 窃听参议院会议内容

  • 窃听一次会议

窃听[qiè tīng]
  1. 然而VoIP和普通并不是绝对安全的,容易遭到窃听、冒充、Dos等攻击。

    However VoIP is not absolutely security , which is vulnerable to eavesdrop , falsification and Dos attacks .

  2. 无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks)是开放的体系结构,任何潜在的敌人可以容易地截取,窃听和伪造信息,因此安全性对无线传感器网络来说是非常重要的。

    Wireless sensor networks are open architecture , and hence any potential enemy can easily intercept , eavesdrop and falsify information . So the security of WSN is very important in this open environment .

  3. 这个房间已经装上了窃听器。

    The room had been wired for sound .

  4. 他们在窃听他的电话交谈。

    They were bugging his telephone conversations .

  5. 他们在她的旅馆房间里装了窃听器。

    They bugged her hotel room .

  6. 另有指控称仍有电话窃听和干扰。

    There have also been claims of continued phone-tapping and bugging .

  7. 安全部门窃听电话是人人皆知的秘密。

    It 's an open secret that the security service bugged telephones .

  8. 他得知他们打算在他办公室安装窃听器。

    He heard that they were planning to bug his office

  9. 我发现我的电话被窃听了。

    I found out my phone was bugged .

  10. 我们怀疑电话遭人窃听了。

    We suspected the telephone line was tapped .

  11. 他向议员们保证,部长和议员的电话不会遭到窃听。

    He assured MPs that ministers and MPs were not subjected to phone taps .

  12. 他派了联邦探员去窃听马丁·路德·金的电话。

    He assigned federal agents to listen in on Martin Luther King 's phone calls .

  13. 不要窃听私人谈话,不要购买重印这些谈话的报纸。

    Don 't bug private conversations , and don 't buy papers that reprint them .

  14. 警方决定不就涉嫌窃听电话一事提出起诉。

    Police have decided not to lay charges over allegations of a telephone tapping operation .

  15. 安全部门完全有可能窃听重要公众人物的谈话。

    It 's not beyond the realms of possibility that the security services do bug important public figures .

  16. 教练说他的俱乐部曾经窃听了一名开车旅行的运动员所住宾馆房间的电话。

    The coach said his club had wiretapped the hotel room of a player during a road trip .

  17. 侦察人员在嫌疑犯的电话上装窃听装置。

    The detectives put a tap on the suspect 's telephone .

  18. 他们正在窃听敌人的对话。

    They are bugging the conversation of their enemy .

  19. 我认为警方一直在窃听由我付费的电话。

    I think the police have been listening in on my collect phone calls .

  20. 警方检查法庭,看有没有窃听器。

    The police searched the courtroom for bugs .

  21. 警察在他的办公室装了窃听器。

    The police have bugged his office .

  22. 在电话里不能谈私人的秘密,因为接线员有窃听电话的习惯。

    It was impossible to discuss anything private over the telephone , as the operator was in the habit of listening in .

  23. 杰克逊维尔这名所谓的“黑客狗仔”低着头承认他曾经入侵过名人的电邮帐号,并对窃听以及非法入侵电脑等罪行供认不讳。他将面临60年的监禁。

    With his head hung low , Jacksonville 's so-called hackerazzi admits he hacked into the email accounts of celebrities . He faces up to 60 years in prison after pleading guilty to wiretapping and unauthorized access to a computer .

  24. 有一对正在华盛顿度蜜月的新婚夫妇,他们来到水门旅馆登记住宿。到了晚上,丈夫刚要熄灯,新娘子问道:“你觉得房间里会不会装有窃听器?”

    A pair of honeymooners checked into the Watergate Hotel in Washington , D. C. That night , as the husband was about to turn off the light , his bride asked , " Do you think this room is bugged1 ? "

  25. 局域网上IP数据包的窃听与防范

    A Precaution of Wiretapping the Data IP Packets in a LAN

  26. 最近受电话窃听丑闻困扰的《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)被停刊,但是丑闻却愈演愈烈。

    And the phone-hacking scandal surrounding the recently-shuttered news of the world grows more complicated by the minute .

  27. 网络上IP数据包几乎都是用明文传输的,非常容易遭到窃听、篡改、伪造、重放等攻击。

    Almost all the IP packets in Internet are transported in plaintext and could be sniffed or intercepted easily .

  28. 新闻集团(NewsCorp。)旗下小报《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)被控窃听语音信箱的丑闻促使英国政府出面承诺说,将对引发争议的报道策略展开新的调查。

    A scandal at News Corp. 's tabloid News of the World over alleged voice-mail interceptions prompted promises of new U.

  29. 保罗•斯蒂芬森爵士(SirPaulStephenson)是这次窃听丑闻中最新的高层受牵连者。

    Sir Paul Stephenson is just the latest high-profile casualty of this scandal .

  30. 英国不久前曝光,英国小报《世界新闻报》(newsoftheworld)雇佣侦探,窃听语音信箱留言,这突显出了新闻业的道德缺失。

    Recent UK revelations of methods used by detectives employed by the news of the world , the tabloid newspaper - hacking into voicemail messages - have highlighted ethical lapses in journalism .