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qiè qǔ
  • steal;usurp;grab;glom
窃取 [qiè qǔ]
  • [usurp;steal] 偷窃,偷取

  • 窃取了重要的文件

  • 窃取秘密情报

  • 窃取别人的劳动果实

窃取[qiè qǔ]
  1. 在Internet上传播的数字资源易于复制、修改和传播的特性使教育资源的共享更加便捷,但同时也给资源窃取者带来了可乘之机。

    On the Internet , the digital resources are easy to copy , modify and diffuse , so that it is more convenient for those who steal them .

  2. 由于SSL为实现保密性而对被传输的消息作了加密,因此没有一个恶意的第三方能窃取这些消息。

    Because SSL encrypts transmitted messages for confidentiality , no malicious third party can steal the messages .

  3. 他们窃取了保密数据。

    They had hacked secret data .

  4. "它创建了一个被窃取的文本文件。"

    " It creates a text file that gets stolen . "

  5. 它们包括以不当或非法手段、身份窃取、尴尬、同龄人霸凌或数字绑架而改变其用途的照片。

    They include photos repurposed for inappropriate or illegal means , identity theft , embarrassment , bullying by peers or digital kidnapping .

  6. 所以在2014年,一场重大决战正在形成:银行、执法部门和科技公司都在试图阻止正在成功窃取账号、姓名、电子邮件地址和其他用于身份盗窃的关键数据的黑客网络。

    That 's why 2014 is shaping up as a major showdown : banks , law enforcement and technology companies are all trying to stop a network of hackers who are succeeding in stealing account numbers , names , email addresses and other crucial data used in identity theft .

  7. 即使该ID被窃取,所造成的损害也不会很严重。

    Even if the ID is compromised , little serious harm can result .

  8. 更加严重的是,Twitter在被黑客攻击窃取走部分网页上的文件后,最近正遭受一系列信息泄漏事件。

    More seriously , Twitter recently suffered a series of leaks after hackers accessed documents stored on the web .

  9. 如果cookies被窃取了,您的相应账号很可能被破坏甚至被他人利用。

    If you get your cookies stolen , your corresponding account can be easily compromised and even taken over .

  10. 一位渣打银行(StandardChartered)的富豪客户涉嫌从中国某国有银行窃取资金,作为警方对此案调查的一部分,一名渣打员工已被中国警方拘留。

    A Standard Chartered banker has been detained by police in China as part of an investigation into a wealthy client who allegedly stole money from a state-owned bank .

  11. 两名调查丝绸之路(SilkRoad)的美国特工,被控在被派至调查这一地下市场的行动小组时,窃取价值数十万美元的比特币及其他数字化货币。

    Two US agents investigating Silk Road have been charged with stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in bitcoin and other digital currencies while assigned to a task force probing the underground marketplace .

  12. 那么用来签名的密钥就有可能会被CA内部工作的人员窃取,他们随后就可以使用任何人的名字来创建任意的证书。

    Then it becomes possible for the signing key to be stolen by someone within the CA 's work sphere who could then create arbitrary certificates with almost anyone 's name .

  13. 如果一个用户的Kerberos密码被攻击者窃取,攻击者就能够模拟该用户。

    If a user 's Kerberos password is stolen by an attacker , then the attacker can impersonate that user .

  14. 黑客侵入花旗银行的ATM网络,盗取了客户的密码,从很多账户中窃取了200多万美元。

    Hackers broke into Citibank 's network ATM machine , snatched the people 's pin numbers and stole some 2 million dollars from a range of bank accounts .

  15. HBO并没有表示哪些内容可能被窃取了,也没有透露具体的剧名或被入侵数据规模。

    HBO is not commenting on what content might have been stolen , confirming specific titles or the amount of data accessed .

  16. 今年2月,保险公司Anthem披露,网络黑客窃取了其8000万名客户的信息。

    In February Anthem , an insurance company , revealed that cyber hackers had stolen information on 80m customers .

  17. 然而,您应该只把该信息以安全的方式发送给值得信任的HTTP服务器,这样就没有敌对的第三方能截获并窃取该信息了。

    However , you should only send this information to trustworthy HTTP servers , and in a secure way so that no adversarial third-party can intercept and steal such information .

  18. 去年,一个部分隶属于茶党(TeaParty)的激进反移民团体,开始大力倡导收紧移民政策。他们称,这些移民正在窃取美国人的就业岗位,加大公共服务体系的压力。

    In the last year , a strident anti-immigration group , partly affiliated with the Tea Party , has started pushing for tighter controls on migrants , arguing that they are stealing American jobs and stressing public services .

  19. 人们可以列举出几个主要的原因:有的是不再创新,而新对手窃取了他们的客户,如Borders、黑莓(BlackBerry)和诺基亚(Nokia);

    One can enumerate the principal ones : they can no longer innovate and new rivals steal their customers ( Borders , BlackBerry and Nokia ) ;

  20. 香港上市的中国汽车公司长城汽车(greatwallmotor),正在中国起诉菲亚特(fiat)窃取商业机密,此举明显是对意大利法院裁定长城汽车抄袭菲亚特一款车型的回应。

    Great Wall Motor , a Hong Kong-listed Chinese car company , is suing Fiat in China for industrial espionage in an apparent response to an Italian court ruling that great wall copied a Fiat car model .

  21. 其应用已涉及许多领域,如现代化教学、法律凭证性等等,但目前电子邮件面临着种种安全威胁,普通E-mail的安全性很差,抗窃取、抗窜改、抗假冒、抗抵赖都不能够得以保证。

    But E-mail is confronted with so many kinds of security hazards . Ordinary E-mail has such little security protection that sneaking , falsification , counterfeit and denying can not be prevented .

  22. 维斯特勋爵还提到了一些源自中国、旨在窃取罗尔斯罗伊斯公司(Rolls-Royce)等公司工业机密的攻击。

    Lord West also cited attacks originating from China aimed at stealing industrial secrets from companies such as Rolls-Royce .

  23. 即使有恶意第三方能够窃取消息,除非他能攻破SSL客户机/服务器身份验证,否则也无法将消息向其它方重发。

    Even though a malicious third party could steal a message , it cannot re-send it to some party unless it can break the SSL client / server authentication .

  24. 美国医院运营商“社区卫生系统公司”(CommunityHealthSystems)表示,中国黑客窃取了它的大约450万患者的私人信息。这是同类攻击中迄今遭窃账户数量最大的,将进一步加剧美中两国在网络犯罪问题上的长期紧张。

    Community Health Systems , the US hospital operator , said that Chinese hackers have stolen private information about 4.5m of its patients , the largest number of accounts compromised in such an attack , adding to long-running tensions between the two nations over cyber crime .

  25. 如果没有HTTPS,你的在线阅读习惯和行为都非常容易被窃听,而且你的账号也非常容易被窃取。

    Without HTTPS , your online reading habits and activities are vulnerable to eavesdropping , and your accounts are vulnerable to hijacking .

  26. 一伙歹徒计划窃取展览上的DeBeersMilleniumJewel钻石以及当时其他的展览珠宝。

    A gang planned to ram-raid the De Beers diamond exhibition where the De Beers Millenium Jewel and others were being held at the time .

  27. 在无线网络中,攻击者可以修改自己无线网卡的MAC地址为合法站点的地址,从而可以绕过访问控制列表,窃取网络信息,这给无线网络安全带来很大的危害。

    In wireless network , intruders can change their MAC addresses to legitimate ones . Thus their wireless facilities can 't be found by access control list , and they can steal network information .

  28. 但随之而来的网络安全问题也越来越突出,密码泄露,越权操作、数据窃取和破坏、IP欺骗、病毒攻击等等。

    With the network used more and more widely , the safety problem has become more and more outstanding , such as the password disclosure , ultravires operation , data theft and breach , the IP cheat , virus attack etc. .

  29. 在使用telnet这样的不安全“明文”协议时,网络上的任何人都可以窃取您的密码和其他敏感信息。

    When using an unsecured ," clear text " protocol such as telnet , anyone on the network can pilfer your passwords and other sensitive information .

  30. 加利福尼亚州圣安娜的一家法庭判定,MGAEntertainment并未窃取商业秘密,美泰提起的贝兹知识产权主张也不成立。

    A court in Santa Ana , California ruled that mga entertainment did not steal trade secrets , nor did Mattel have a valid copyright claim on the Bratz franchise .