
  • 网络the Gulf Stream
  1. 我们了解到墨西哥湾流的情况以及水流流动的方向。

    We learnt about the Gulf Stream and which way the currents flow .

  2. 另一个环境因素是墨西哥湾流。

    Another environmental factor is the Gulf Stream .

  3. 汹涌的巨浪在墨西哥湾流形成了。

    The great surge had built up in the Gulf stream .

  4. 每天早晨他划着小船到有大鱼出没的墨西哥湾流去。

    Each morning he rowed his skiff out into the Gulf Stream where the big fish was .

  5. 我是在巨大的宇宙里的一颗流星。汹涌的巨浪在墨西哥湾流形成了。

    I 'm a meteor in the immense universe . The great surge had built up in the Gulf Stream .

  6. 大西洋中这些潮流之一称为墨西哥湾流。这是一股暖水流。

    One of these rivers in the Atlantic is called the Gulf Stream . It is a current of warm water .

  7. 这是地球呈陀螺仪状倾斜后不久的事情,当时墨西哥湾流同日本湾流分道扬镳了。

    Time shortly after the earth had taken its gyroscopic lean – when the Gulf Stream was parting ways with the Japanese current .

  8. 汹涌的巨浪在墨西哥湾流形成了。百合与茉莉在光波的浪花上翻涌。

    The great surge had built up in the Gulf Stream . Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light .

  9. 这样的结果会造成严重后果,例如格陵兰冰层崩塌以及墨西哥湾流受阻。

    Such an outcome would have severe consequences , such as the collapse of the Greenland ice sheet and disruption of the Gulf Stream ocean current .

  10. 大洋里的海水流动有时被称为“海洋中的洋流”。大西洋中这些潮流之一称为墨西哥湾流。

    Ocean currents are sometimes called " rivers in the sea . " One of these " rivers " in the Atlantic is called the Gulf Stream .

  11. 在寒冷时节,不免会有一些微弱的声音嚷嚷着说一个新冰河时代即将来临,还有些人则质疑墨西哥湾流是否真的因全球变暖而改变了方向。

    Inevitably during the cold spell there were faint voices predicting the onset of a new ice age while others questioned whether the Gulf Stream had been diverted as a result of global warming .

  12. 北大西洋风暴频发,也许我们的乐高大桥能够避开墨西哥湾流中快速移动的那部分,但它仍然会受到强风和大浪的冲击。

    The North Atlantic is a stormy place . While our bridge would manage to avoid the fastest-moving parts of the Gulf Stream current , it would still be subjected to powerful wind and wave forces .

  13. 飓风没有将大量原油吹上岸,没有形成范围极广的无人区,原油也没有通过墨西哥湾流包围佛罗里达角进而涌上美国东海岸。

    Hurricanes didn 't drive enormous quantities of oil ashore , giant dead zones didn 't materialize , and oil didn 't round the tip of Florida to rocket up the East Coast via the Gulf Stream .

  14. 最后以海面温度锋-墨西哥湾流为实例进行形态特征提取,并与典型的边缘提取算子效果在信息量、抗干扰性、定位精度、连续性和对比度上进行对比分析。

    In the end , taking the Mexico Gulf for example , the temperature fronts are extracted , and their effects are compared with the traditional algorithm on information amounts , interference , positioning accuracy , continuity and contrast .