
wān liú
  • Gulfstream;gulf stream
湾流[wān liú]
  1. 当湾流的水向北流动时,水会蒸发。

    As the Gulf stream waters flow northward , water evaporates .

  2. 大西洋北面的水流称为湾流。

    In the atlantic , the north-flowing current is called the Gulf stream .

  3. 设在佐治亚州的美国湾流宇航公司(Gulfstream)最近与民生银行(MinshengBank)签署了总额为26亿美元的谅解备忘录。

    Georgia-based Gulfstream recently signed a $ 2.6 billion Memorandum of Understanding with Minsheng Bank .

  4. 北美传统上一直是私人喷气式飞机的最大买家,但在2007年,湾流(Gulfstream)喷气式飞机的海外订单超过了北美。

    North Americans have traditionally been the largest purchasers of private jets but in 2007 , orders for Gulfstream jets from overseas buyers surpassed those from North Americans .

  5. 通用动力公司(GeneralDynamicsCorp.)旗下的湾流航空航天公司(GulfstreamAerospaceCorp.)总裁弗林(LarryFlynn)说,我们绝没有否认中国的生产能力。该公司目前在中国的投资主要集中在提高维护、修理和解体检修能力方面。

    Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. President Larry Flynn says his company has " not in the least ruled out China for manufacturing capabilities . " Gulfstream , a unit of General Dynamics Corp. , currently focuses its investment in China on building up maintenance , repair and overhaul capacity . Andrew Galbraith

  6. 当然,对于真正的大件&比如在科罗拉多州买所房子,一架湾流飞机,一艘Feadship游艇,夫妇两人可能会一起做出决定。

    Of course , for truly major purchases a house in Aspen , Colo. , a Gulfstream , a Feadship the couple probably makes the decision together .

  7. 汹涌的巨浪在墨西哥湾流形成了。

    The great surge had built up in the Gulf stream .

  8. 湾流锋面涡旋的三维结构

    Notes on 3-dimensional structure of Gulf Stream frontal eddies

  9. 我们了解到墨西哥湾流的情况以及水流流动的方向。

    We learnt about the Gulf Stream and which way the currents flow .

  10. 另一个环境因素是墨西哥湾流。

    Another environmental factor is the Gulf Stream .

  11. 另一股是拉布拉多湾流从北冰洋下来的一股寒水流。

    Another is at he Labrador Current - cold water coming down from the Arctic .

  12. 韩森说,如果湾流太弱,会影响海洋生命。

    Hansen says if the Gulf stream were to weaken it could affect marine life .

  13. 湾流北侧切变波卫星观测与发生机理研究

    Satellite observations and Study on occurrence mechanism of the shear waves along the Gulf Stream north wall

  14. 北半球大气环流对湾流区海温变化响应的数值模拟研究

    The Numerical Simulation Study of Atmospheric Response to Reemergence of North Atlantic Ocean Variability in Gulf Stream

  15. 每天早晨他划着小船到有大鱼出没的墨西哥湾流去。

    Each morning he rowed his skiff out into the Gulf Stream where the big fish was .

  16. 我是在巨大的宇宙里的一颗流星。汹涌的巨浪在墨西哥湾流形成了。

    I 'm a meteor in the immense universe . The great surge had built up in the Gulf Stream .

  17. 大西洋中这些潮流之一称为墨西哥湾流。这是一股暖水流。

    One of these rivers in the Atlantic is called the Gulf Stream . It is a current of warm water .

  18. 忘记湾流改变方向并使欧洲陷入新冰川时代的说法吧,帕里先生如是安抚与会者说。

    Forget about the Gulf Stream changing direction and plunging Europe into a new ice age , Mr Parry reassured the conference .

  19. 降水量效应主要出现在低纬度海洋、中低纬度太平洋的东海岸和湾流的西北海岸。

    The amount effect happens mainly in low-latitude oceans , east coast of the low-middle-latitude Pacific Ocean and northwest coast of Gulf Stream .

  20. 他感觉到已经在湾流中行驶,看得见沿岸那些海滨住宅区的灯光了。

    He could feel he was inside the current now and he could see the lights of the beach colonies along the shore .

  21. 他驶进了这反光的圈子,他想,要不了多久就能驶到湾流的边缘了。

    He steered inside of the glow and he thought that now , soon , he must hit the edge of the stream .

  22. 这是地球呈陀螺仪状倾斜后不久的事情,当时墨西哥湾流同日本湾流分道扬镳了。

    Time shortly after the earth had taken its gyroscopic lean – when the Gulf Stream was parting ways with the Japanese current .

  23. 汹涌的巨浪在墨西哥湾流形成了。百合与茉莉在光波的浪花上翻涌。

    The great surge had built up in the Gulf Stream . Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light .

  24. 其中的一架飞机就是彼得·杰克逊的长途商务飞机,型号是湾流G650,能够容纳8名乘客和4名机组人员。

    One of these is Peter Jackson 's long-range business jet , a Gulfstream G650 which can carry eight passengers and a crew of four .

  25. 他有三部大书尚未完成,也许是无法完成了。它们是:《岛在湾流中》、《伊甸园》和《曙光示真》。

    He had three big books unfinished , perhaps unfinishable : Islands in the Stream , The Garden of Eden , and True at First Light .

  26. 这样的结果会造成严重后果,例如格陵兰冰层崩塌以及墨西哥湾流受阻。

    Such an outcome would have severe consequences , such as the collapse of the Greenland ice sheet and disruption of the Gulf Stream ocean current .

  27. 法耶德的湾流型私人喷气飞机将五袋沙子运到芬兰以为他们家小孩造一片沙滩,结果只是沙子被海水冲走。

    Fayed 's private Gulfstream jet transported five sacks of sand to Finland to make a beach for the Fayed children , only to be swept away .

  28. 韩森的发现是有趣的,因为北极融冰将会抑制湾流的反向预言,让欧洲推进冰河期。

    Hansen 's findings are of interest because they contradict predictions that Arctic melting will strangle the Gulf Stream , thrusting Europe into a new Ice Age .

  29. 他是个独自在湾流中一条小船上钓鱼的老人,至今已去了八十四天,一条鱼也没逮住。

    He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish .

  30. 大洋里的海水流动有时被称为“海洋中的洋流”。大西洋中这些潮流之一称为墨西哥湾流。

    Ocean currents are sometimes called " rivers in the sea . " One of these " rivers " in the Atlantic is called the Gulf Stream .