
  • 网络N'Djamena;N’djamena;NDJAMENA
  1. 迪尔夫说,哈布雷将会在乍得首都恩贾梅纳被立即处死。

    Diouf says his client will be immediately executed in N'Djamena .

  2. 一批11名难民星期天坐飞机离开乍得首都恩贾梅纳,他们将被重新安置在美国。

    A group of11 refugees left the Chadian capital N'Djamena by air on Sunday to be resettled in the United States .

  3. 没有人会去乍得首都恩贾梅纳度假。

    No one goes to the capital of Chad on vacation .

  4. 乍得的反政府军在沙漠中进军3天后星期五到达首都恩贾梅纳。

    The Chadian rebels arrived in the capital Friday after a three-day push across the desert .

  5. 世卫组织还努力在恩贾梅纳和阿贝歇建立实验室能力,并提供急救包和快速诊断检测。

    WHO has also worked to build laboratory capacity in N ' Djamena and Ab é ch é and to provide kits and rapid diagnostic tests .