
  • 网络nonviolent and noncooperation movements;civil disobedience;Non-cooperation movement;Satyagraha Movement
  1. 他最开始相信甘地(Gandhian)的非暴力不合作运动,但当罢工和抗议看似徒劳之后,曼德拉组建了一支破坏者小分队。

    He initially put his faith in Gandhian nonviolence , but when strikes and protests began to seem futile , he founded a band of saboteurs .

  2. 我们将要进行“非暴力不合作运动”

    We are going to protest peacefully

  3. 多年来与政府当局的对抗,包括1960年的沙佩维尔大屠杀(69名抗议者被警察杀害),促使曼德拉放弃了非暴力不合作运动的承诺。

    Years of confrontations with authorities , including the Sharpeville massacre of 1960 in which 69 protesters were killed by police , persuaded Mr. Mandela to abandon his commitment to Gandhian nonviolence .