
  1. 我非常想把他们借给我的钱还给他们。

    I fully intend to repay them the money that they lent me .

  2. 史蒂夫非常想了解我以前生活的那个世界。

    Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from

  3. 迈克非常想试试骑自行车。

    Mike had a yen to try cycling

  4. 她非常想去。

    She was mad keen to go .

  5. 因为我们非常想赢回奖杯,所以一直在互相打气。

    We 're all pulling for each other because we 're desperate to win the Cup back

  6. 我非常想报复。

    I was sorely tempted to retaliate

  7. 我非常想看看它。

    I should very much like to see it .

  8. 他们非常想尝尝真正的中国菜的味道。

    They are itching to have a real taste of Chinese food .

  9. 她非常想赢得这枚勋章。

    She has her heart set on winning the medal .

  10. 例句我原本非常想今年夏天去野营,但这个想法被搁置了。

    I was really keen1 on going camping2 this summer , but that idea has fallen by the wayside .

  11. 嗯哼,TOM是一个不折不扣的工作狂,他非常想得到这次机会。

    Tom is such a workhorse and he wanted it so badly .

  12. 就SOA来讲,我非常想知道它将走向何方。

    In terms of SOA , I 'll be very interested to see where it goes .

  13. 欢迎你回来Tony我们非常想你谢谢我的确离开了一段时间

    And welcome back to you , Tony.We missed you.Thank you , yes , I was away .

  14. Android:许多Expect的新手非常想知道,该工具是否能够像灵活地处理命令行对话那样实现GUI交互的自动化。

    Android : Many newcomers to Expect wonder in their enthusiasm for the tool whether it automates GUI interactions with the deftness it handles command-line dialogues .

  15. 由于我使用的是一个公开可用的Google电子数据表,我猜想有些开发人员会非常想知道如何通过XQuery连接和使用Google文档。

    Because I used a publicly available Google spreadsheet , I thought some developers would like to know how to connect and use Google documents through XQuery .

  16. 我非常想去那,也想尽早去参观吴哥窟(AngkorWat)。

    I would love to go , as well as visit Angkor Wat as soon as possible .

  17. 她会被Klaus深深吸引,作为一个聪明又有好奇心的学生,她非常想知道:是什么造就了恶魔?能回答这个问题的人,真是非Klaus莫属了。

    She 'll be particularly drawn to Klaus , because as a smart and curious student , she 's intrigued by one question in particular : What makes someone evil ?

  18. 然后你就可以礼貌的地他帮个小忙,你可以这样说“我最近对学习X很感兴趣,非常想听听您的高见。”这样的小请求是不会冒犯他们的。

    Then you can ask politely for a smallfavor . You can say , ' I 've been interested in learning more about X , andI would love to hear from you if you have some ideas . ' A request likethat is not big enough to put them on the defensive 。

  19. 我非常想知道那只古钟是怎样运转的。

    I am curious to know how that old clock works .

  20. 他非常想描绘一些重要的事物。

    He wanted very much to paint something that was important .

  21. 我非常想给你介绍一个人。

    There 's someone I 'm dying to introduce you to .

  22. 什么是你真的真的非常想做的事情?

    What is it that you really really want to do ?

  23. 让我看到你很想,非常想。

    Show me that you want it , really want it .

  24. 但她非常想告诉你呢。

    Even though she 's going to see you herself tomorrow .

  25. 我非常想冲出去告诉她

    Juli : I went out with every intention of telling her

  26. 孩子们非常想去动物园。

    The children are mad keen to go to the zoo .

  27. 电影预告十分搞笑,让他们非常想去看那部电影。

    The funny previews made them want to see the movie .

  28. 我非常想勾引他的女儿。

    Where I most likely tried to seduce his daughter .

  29. 除了非常想你我这里一切都好。

    Everything is fine here except that I miss you so badly .

  30. 她显然非常想知道更往西边是什么样子的。

    She was apparently intent on what lay further west .