
  • 网络scientific creation
  1. 论科学创造主体的认知过程和谐

    The harmony of cognitive process of the subject of scientific creation

  2. 休闲与科学创造&以爱因斯坦为例

    Leisure and Scientific Creation : A Case Study of Albert Einstein

  3. 从SCI引文案例看科学创造最佳年龄区&文献计量学的实用研究之一

    The Citation Analysis of Illustration in THE AREA THE BEST AGE IN SCIENCE CREATION

  4. 第二自然的美&科学创造与艺术活动的结合

    Beauty of second nature & combination of science and art

  5. 科学创造:多种文化背景中的思想建构

    The scientific creation in the thought construction under background of multi culture

  6. 创造想象是科学创造显示途径;

    Creative imagination is a display approach of scientific creation .

  7. 科学创造文明,也使世界受到损害。

    Science does damage to the world while creating civilization .

  8. 是的,科学创造了原子弹,造成了大规模的污染。

    Admittedly , science has created atomic bombs and produced pervasive pollution .

  9. 每个人都有权利参与社会的文化生活,分享艺术与科学创造的成果。

    Everyone has the right to share in their community 's cultural life .

  10. 论科学创造与非逻辑思维的关系

    The relation between scientific creation and non-logical thinking

  11. 科学创造活动中思维方式的变革:从简单到复杂

    Activities Transformation of Thinking Way in Scientific Research : form Simplicity to Complexity SCIENCE

  12. 爱因斯坦在科学创造中的美学追求

    The Aesthetic Seeking of Einstein in Scientific Creation

  13. 浅析科学创造的素质构成

    Superficial View about Quality Constitution of Science Creation

  14. 休闲对科学创造活动以及人才培养的影响及对策

    Leisure Life 's Impacts on Scientific Creation and Intellectual Nurturing with Suggestion 's for Policies

  15. 爱因斯坦的科学创造个性

    Einstein 's Individual Character in Scientific Creations

  16. 以美益智:音乐开发科学创造潜能的根据

    Increase wisdom by beauty : foundation of tapping creativeness latent energy of science by music

  17. 音乐教育中的想象与科学创造

    Imagination and Scientific Creation in Music Education

  18. 浅谈非智力因素与科学创造活动

    Non - Intelligence Factors Versus Creative Activities

  19. 爱因斯坦的人文精神与科学创造

    Einstein 's Humanistic Spirit and Scientific Creation

  20. 论直觉在科学创造中的作用

    Intuition the role in scientific creation

  21. 首先,科学创造为教学提供课程资源。

    Firstly , the creation of science can provide abundant material for the course of school .

  22. 灵感思维与科学创造

    Inspiration Thinking and Scientific Creation

  23. 本文即是对科学创造过程中的审美作用及其机制的系统研究。

    This text is studying to the aesthetic role in course of creating of science and mechanism .

  24. 三者相辅相成,相互渗透和促进,共同推进科学创造。

    These three kinds of dominant innovation thinking mode permeate and promote mutually and push scientific creation forward together .

  25. 无意识是一种不为意识所知的特殊心理活动,在科学创造中起着非常重要的作用。

    Unconsciousness is an unusual psychological activity unknown to consciousness , and it plays an important role in scientific creations .

  26. 创新思维既是科学创造的前提,也是科学创造的动力,对科学创造起着极为重要的作用。

    Innovation thinking is both premise and motive power of scientific creation and plays an important role in scientific creation .

  27. 同理,借助于有选择的搜索的心理解释可以揭示科学创造的奥秘。

    And with the aid of the psychology explanation of chosen-search , the secret of science creation can be exposed .

  28. 探索大自然的奥秘是科学创造活动最强大的推动力之一。

    It is one of the biggest motive forces in the activities if scientific creation to explore the secrets of nature .

  29. 再次,科学创造与教学的整合态的建构,其结果会形成一种有效的人才培养模式,特别是对科学教育。

    The third aspect is the construction of the pattern in which the creation of science and teaching will be integrated .

  30. 方法采用科学创造心理问卷,对参加省护理学会学术交流的68名代表进行调查评分。

    Method Academic psychological factors questionnaire was applied to investigate and rate 68 representatives who participated in an academic nursing symposium .