
  1. 从稳定同位素标记到ICAT战略的提出,为准确定量在细胞或组织中发挥重要调节功能的低丰度蛋白质提供了一个较为理想的方法。

    The stable isotope labeling and the isotope coded affinity tags ( ICAT ) strategy provided an ideal method for accurately quantitating the low copy number proteins which play a key role in cells or tissues .

  2. SELDI-TOF-MS技术由蛋白质芯片系统和质谱仪组成,尤其适用于低丰度蛋白质或多肽的检测。这一方法最大的优势在于高通量、高灵敏度的实现了质谱技术对临床样本的直接检测。

    It can directly get high-throughput protein profilings from clinical samples with high sensitivity and this is the main advantage of this technique . SELDI-TOF-MS is composed by the protein chip system and mass spectrometer , which is especially suitable for low-abundance detection of proteins or peptides .

  3. 对考染后切取了高丰度蛋白质点后的胶块再进行快速银染,可以既提高鉴定的准确性也不丢失低丰度蛋白质。

    Fast silver staining following coomassie blue staining can not only improve the accuracy of protein identification , but also identify more low-abundance proteins .

  4. 但是双向电泳技术也存在自身不可避免的局限性,比如难以分离极端分子量、极酸极碱、低丰度蛋白质,同时,双向电泳还难以鉴定膜蛋白。

    However , 2-DE also inevitably has its own disadvantage including difficulty in separating proteins of extreme acid and basic , with extreme molecular weight and low abundance .

  5. 此外,大量的高丰度蛋白质集中在4.5~5.0的极窄范围的等电点区域,大多数的低丰度蛋白质分布在图谱的其他部分。

    Plenty of high abundance proteins were mainly clustered in the narrow region with the isoelectric point between 4.5 and 5.0 , but most of low abundance proteins were in the other region dispersedly .

  6. 近几年来,定量蛋白质组的技术发展很快,稳定同位素标记技术的提出,为准确定量在细胞或组织体系中发挥重要功能的低丰度蛋白质提供了一个理想的方法。

    More efforts have been focused on quantitative proteomic techniques recently . The stable isotope labeling technique provided an ideal method for accurately quantitating the low abundance proteins which play a key role in cells or tissues .

  7. 因此,如何去除血浆中高丰度蛋白质从而使低丰度蛋白质得以富集(降低高丰度蛋白质对低丰度蛋白质鉴定的干扰),成为血浆蛋白质鉴定的关键和研究热点。

    Hence , how to deplete the high abundant proteins and enrich the low abundant proteins ( i.e. , eliminate the interference of high abundant proteins to low abundant proteins ) is crucial and a highlight in plasma proteome research .

  8. 本研究发现维吾尔族妇女宫颈鳞癌早期患者与慢性宫颈炎患者之间存在血浆低丰度蛋白质组差异,为进一步鉴定肿瘤发生有关的血浆标志蛋白以及肿瘤早期诊断提供了客观依据。

    The remarkable differences in low abundant plasma proteomes between early stages of cervical squamous cell carcinoma ( CSCC ) and cervicitis in Uighur women may provide an important evidence for the identification of plasma protein markers of the cancer development and early diagnosis in the future .

  9. 其次,本研究第一次提出了一种全新的肿瘤蛋白质组研究策略,可以有效富集低丰度分泌蛋白质,避开高丰度蛋白质的干扰,简化分析体系,实现潜在肿瘤蛋白标志物的高通量发掘。

    Secondly , a totally new strategy for tumor proteome research was put forward . The strategy is very effective in enriching low abundant secretory proteins and avoiding disturbances from high abundant protein in body fluid .

  10. 用标准蛋白质混合物建立了一种适用于低丰度混合蛋白质及其异构体分离与鉴定的蛋白质组学方法。

    A new proteomics strategy based on protein standard isoelectric focusing ( IEF ) and tandem mass spectrometry ( MS ) " shot-gun " was investigated , which was peculiarly useful for low abundance protein isoform identification .

  11. 热SDS处理的2-DE胶蛋白质点质谱可获得高质量质谱图,并可以检测到相对低丰度的血清蛋白质。

    Mass spectrometry of the 2-D gels treated with hot SDS method generated high-quality mass spectra , and the sample preparation method allowed detection of relatively low abundance protein .