
  • 网络Low temperature storage;cryopreservation;cryogenic storage
  1. 套袋贮藏、低温贮藏、适宜浓度壳聚糖处理均降低了杨桃果实POD的活性。

    The POD activity was lowered after Bagging , low temperature storage and chitosan coating on peroxidase in the postharvest Carambola Fruits .

  2. 结果表明,GSH能有效抑制鸭梨果实在低温贮藏6个月后黑心病的发生,处理果的黑心率及黑心指数分别比对照果降低了26.9%和37.1%。

    After 6 months of low temperature storage , the core browning incidence and index was about 26.9 % and 37.1 % lower in the fruit treated with GSH than that in control fruit respectively , which implied that the development of core browning was effectively inhibited after treatment .

  3. 总体看来,PVC包装处理有利于桃果实的低温贮藏。

    It indicated that PVC package was favorable for cold storage .

  4. ~(60)Coγ射线辐照国光苹果低温贮藏中生化指标变化的对比研究

    Studies on Changes of Biochemical Indices of Apples Irradiated with γ - ray and Stored under Low Temperature

  5. 杉木种子超干燥和超低温贮藏研究I.种子质量贮藏效果

    Study on Ultra-dried Seed Storage and Cryopreservation of Cunninghamia lanceolata I.Storage Effects on Seed Qualities

  6. 1961年,M.陈皮须用隔年陈之探讨杂交水稻种子隔年低温贮藏效果分析

    The analysis of the affect about the hybrid seed stored in low temperature condition every first year

  7. 红子果实氧化酶活性相当强,这是保鲜果低温贮藏、加工果钝化酶活性利于VC保存的依据;

    The oxidase activity of fruit is very high , it is the basic for protecting Vc of storing fruit under low temperature and inactivating enzymatic activity to processed fruit .

  8. 说明水杨酸处理可以有效诱导黄瓜和番茄的抗冷性,同时内源H2O2在水杨酸诱导黄瓜、番茄抗冷性的过程中发挥了重要作用,但水杨酸处理不利于芒果的低温贮藏。

    It suggested SA could promote chilling resistance of cucumbers and tomatoes , in which endogenous H2O2 played an important role .

  9. 各种儿茶素中,EC和EGC比较稳定,不易受高温灭菌及高低温贮藏的影响。

    EC and EGC were less susceptible to high temperature sterilization and the storage of high and low temperature .

  10. 催芽效果:低温贮藏种子和用GA3处理种子均能显著提高发芽率和缩短发芽时间。

    The effect of seed vernalization show : Keep seed in cold temperature storage and treat with GA3 has significant effects on germination rate and could shorten time of sprouting .

  11. 荔枝在不同低温贮藏下果皮中乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)同工酶的变化

    The change of alcohol dehydrogenase isozymes ( ADH ) from Litchi peel during storage under different low temperature

  12. 结果表明:0℃低温贮藏效果最好,呼吸作用低,重量和Vc损失少,15天内可保持新鲜、脆嫩;

    The results showed : The respiratory metabolism , the loss of Vc and weight of Alfalfa were lower at 0 ℃, which could keep Alfalfa fresh and tender in 15 days after harvest .

  13. 该方法的准确度和精确度分别达到了0.96%和11%。(2)以维生素C和胡萝卜素为甘薯嫩叶的特征指标,研究甘薯嫩叶在常温及低温贮藏的过程中,营养物质的变化情况。

    The accurate and critically rate of this determination of conditions reached 0.96 % and 11 % . ( 2 ) To state vitamin C and carotene as characteristics of sweet potato leaves , studied its nutrient change storing in common temperature and low temperature .

  14. 用不同药剂对麝香百合(Liliumlongiflorum)切花进行预处理后在1~4℃低温贮藏,观察其瓶插寿命及切花品质。

    Cut Lily ( Lilium longiflorum ) flowers was pretreated with different solutions and cold-stored at a temperature of 0 ~ 4 ℃ for two weeks .

  15. 本文以红星苹果为试材,首次研究了低温贮藏过程中1-MCP和DPA处理对苹果蜡质酚类物质、抗氧化活性、和α-法尼烯、共轭三烯以及MDA、O2-·的影响。

    In this paper , the 1-MCP and DPA treatment on apple wax phenolics and its antioxidant activity , and the effect on α - farnesene and conjugated trines , and also MDA and O2 - · content .

  16. 用变温,变CO2条件下(TDCA)贮藏,可以对呼吸与后熟进行抑制,能代替经典的低温贮藏和现代气调(CA)贮藏。

    Under the condition of the temperature changed and CO_2 changed ( TDCA ) the respiration and post-ripening can be regulated for the storage and the method can replace the classic storage at low temperature and the modern atmosphere-regulation storage ( CA ) .

  17. 研究了4个龙眼品种果实的结冰点及其影响因素,比较了-1℃冰温和3℃低温贮藏对石硖龙眼贮藏效果的差异,探讨了冰温贮藏龙眼时SO2缓释剂的最适用量。

    The freezing point of longan fruits and its affecting factors were determined in four cultivars . The effects of ice temperature ( - 1 ℃) storage and normal low temperature ( 3 ℃) storage and different dosage of SO_2 Releaser on fruit quality were investigated in this paper .

  18. 1℃低温贮藏,可显著抑制果实的乙烯生成、LOX和PAL活性,减少O2~(.-)的积累,延缓果实衰老进程,但促使了组织相对电导率的增加和果实硬度的加大。

    Lower temperature storage at 1 significantly inhibited the fruit ethylene biosynthesis , the LOX and PAL activity , reduced O2 accumulation , and put off the course of fruit ripening and senescence , whereas , promoted the increase of tissue relative electric conductivity and fruit firmness .

  19. 以白花莲藕为试材,研究了4-己基间苯二酚(4-HR)对鲜切莲藕产品低温贮藏期间褐变和贮藏品质的影响。

    The effects of 4-hexylresorcinol ( 4-HR ) and VC treatments on browning and quality of fresh-cut Lotus ( Nelumbonucifera Gaertn . cv . BaiHua ) stored at 4 ℃ were investigated .

  20. 三磺苯甲酸可有效地抑制脱落酸形成,并具有良好的保鲜效果,经它处理的木枣低温贮藏120d,鲜果率达85%。

    2,3,5 triiodobenzoic acid ( TIBA ) can effectively restrain the formation of ABA and have an excellent fresh keeping effect . After , the rate of fresh jujube can reach to 85 % after 120 days as treated with TIBA .

  21. 采用微束激光穿刺技术转化马铃薯品种,得到了149个转基因株系,其中139个转基因株系在低温贮藏35d时块茎还原糖含量低于亲本材料。

    Laser micro-beam puncture technique was employed to transform potato varieties and 149 transgenic lines were attained . Reduced sugar content indicated that 139 out of 149 transgenic lines were more resistant to cold induced sweetening ( CIS ) than their parental lines .

  22. 低温贮藏对菠萝细胞壁降解的影响

    Effects of Low Temperature on Cell Wall Degradation of Postharvest Pineapple

  23. 桃低温贮藏中生理变化与冷害发生的关系

    Relationship Between Physiological Variations and Chilling Injury in Peach at Low-temperature

  24. 低温贮藏过程中食品干耗问题的研究

    Research on the Weight Loss of Foods in Refrigerated Condition

  25. 腊肉低温贮藏过程中营养价值及食用安全性研究

    Study on Nutritive Value and Safety of Bacon Lay in Low Temperature

  26. 低温贮藏能有效的抑制非酶促褐变反应的发生。

    Storage in low temperature can inhibit nonenzymatic browning effectively . 5 .

  27. 薄膜包装与低温贮藏对百合鲜花保鲜效果的影响

    Effect of Package with Polyethylene Plastic Film under Cool Storage on Fresh Flower-lily

  28. 猕猴桃低温贮藏期间硬度与化学品质的相关性研究

    Study on the Correlation between Firmness and Chemical Qualities of Kiwifruit during Cold-storage

  29. 药剂结合低温贮藏对青花菜品质的影响

    Effects of Chemical Preservatives Coupled with Low Temperature on the Quality of Broccoli

  30. 低温贮藏下28种木本植物种子生活力的变化

    Changes of Seed Viability of 28 Woody Plant Species Stored at Low Temperature