
  • 网络Low-temperature method;cryogenics
  1. 低温法高分子质量PVC树脂的研制

    QUALITY The development of high-molecular weight PVC resin by low-temperature process

  2. 主要介绍了用低温法、扩链剂法以及加入内增塑单体共聚方法合成的高聚合度PVC树脂在机械力学性能和熔融流变性等方面的区别。

    This paper mainly introduced the differences in mechanical and melting rheological properties of PVC with high polymerization degree synthesized by low temperature process , chain extender process , and internal plastic monomer copolymerization process respectively .

  3. 低温法浓缩煤层气中的甲烷

    Separation of Methane From Coal Seam Gas by Cryogenic Distillation

  4. 低温法小型空分设备:技术进步、与液体输送的竞争和对策

    Small cryogenic air separation plants-advances in technology , competition with liquid transfer and countermeasures

  5. 深低温法保存角膜材料用于角膜移植手术的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Keratoplasty with Corneal Cryopreservation

  6. 低温法空气分离的进展

    The Progress of Cryogenic Air Separation

  7. 常见的水产动物保活运输有增氧法、麻醉法和低温法。

    The common method for transportation of live animal is aeration method , anaesthesia method and low temperature method .

  8. 第三,研究了由沉淀白炭黑、蛇纹石提镁残渣和膨润土提铝残渣等无定形二氧化硅作为含硅原料,采用低温法合成堇青石、莫来石;

    Thirdly , cordierite and mullite have been synthesized by residue silica , residue after extracting magnesium from serpentine and residue after extracting aluminum from bentonite under relatively low temperature in our work .

  9. 介绍利用30m3聚合釜生产特殊牌号树脂(如用低温法生产高聚合度树脂,用添加交联剂生产高聚合度树脂以及消光树脂和共聚树脂)应注意的问题。

    Problems needing paying attention to in the production of special resins ( such as high polymerization degree resin produced by low temperature process , extinction resin and copolymer resin produced by adding crosslinking agent ) by using 30 m 3 polymerizer are introduced .

  10. 降低空气中CO2浓度的低温液化法

    Cryogenic liquefaction on reduction of CO_2 composition in airproof air

  11. 低温热解法合成和表征ZnO纳米粉末研究

    Low Temperature Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nano-powder

  12. 用低温煅烧法从粉煤灰中提取纳米Al2O3和SiO2

    Extraction of Nano - α - Al_2O_3 and SiO_2 from Fly Ash by Low Temperature Calcination

  13. 低温SBR法污水处理工艺若干研究进展

    Several Study Development of Low Temperature SBR Process

  14. 低温燃烧法合成纳米MgO粉体工艺的研究

    Synthesis of MgO nanocrystalline powder by low-temperature combustion

  15. 报导了一种简单而有效的制备非晶ZnO纳米粉末的方法,即固态低温热解法。

    In this paper , a simple and effective method to prepare amorphous ZnO nano-powder by low temperature pyrolytic reaction is reported .

  16. 低温速冻法较传统的乙醚麻醉法更好得避免了标本RNA的过多降解。

    The low temperature freezing technique was superior to that of the aether anaesthesia methods to have prevented the excessive degradation of RNA .

  17. 从PAH和碳黑颗粒的控制方法来看,低温等离子体法可以同时脱除这两种污染物。

    Low plasma was investigated as a method of removing PAH and soot .

  18. 根据丙纶帆布的性能,采用PVC低温塑化法(120℃以下)防水整理工艺生产丙纶防水帆布。

    According to the characteristics of polypropylene canvas , polypropylene water-proof canvas is produced by water-proof finishing process of PVC low temperature ( below 120 ℃) plasticized method .

  19. 低温衰减器法实现了低噪声放大器噪声温度的快速测量,测试不确定度低于4K。

    Contrarily CA method is much faster and with no more than 4K uncertainty .

  20. 分析了氯化钾低温转化法生产硫基NPK复合肥转化地面的腐蚀机理,并提出了相应的防护措施。

    This article analyses the corrosion mechanism of NPK complex-fertilizer transform floor , and then gives theanticorrosion measures .

  21. 方法以乳化蒸发鄄低温固化法合成DOX鄄SLNs鄄PEG纳米粒。

    Methods The DOX-SLNs-PEG nanoparticles were prepared by the method of " emulsion evaporation - solidification at low temperature " .

  22. 根据化学动力学预测其贮存期,并与美国FAD低温观察法和室温留样观察法对照。

    According to chemical dynamics its shelf life is forecasted and it is collated with America FAD low temperature and room-temperature observative method .

  23. 从低温乙醇法FIV组份中分离人血白蛋白的研究

    Seperation of Human Albumin from the FIV of the Cold Ethanol Method

  24. 设计低温结晶法,从鱼油脂肪酸中富集EPA和DHA。经鱼油强化或海水小球藻二次培养后脂类含量明显升高。

    The Contents of EPA and DHA were enriched from fish oil by lower temperature crystallization . After enriched with fish oil or cultured twice for the seawater Chlorella spp.

  25. 本文就太平洋牡蛎三倍体育苗中,常用的低温休克法和6-DMAP法进行了生产性试验比较。

    This paper deals with the comparison of economic efficiency of triploid induction in Pacific oysters by the methods of cold shock and 6-dimethylaminopurine ( 6-DMAP ) induction on a large scale .

  26. 在生长方面,低温休克法诱导的三倍体在养成期的生长和成活均差于6-DMAP法诱导的,三倍体率差异明显,但在幼虫期二者差异不显著。

    The growth rate and survival rate of the adult oysters by 6-DMAP induction were higher than those by cold shock , but there was no significant difference between the efficiency by the two methods at the larval stage .

  27. 这家高端堆肥餐厅的计划似乎从未实施,不过BonAppetit指出,堆肥堆中心的温度可以超过真空低温烹调法。

    While it appears that the high-end compost restaurant never got off the ground , Bon Appetit pointed out that the temperature at the heart of a compost heap can be higher than a sous vide bath .

  28. 热平衡低温等离子体法合成氨研究

    Study on Synthesizing Ammonia by Heat equilibrium Low temperature Plasma Method

  29. 用低温粉碎法生产精细胶粉技术的进展

    Development of Producing Fine Rubber Powder by Pulverization at Low Temperature

  30. 处理柴油机氮氧化物和颗粒的低温等离子体法

    Non-thermal Plasma on Aftertreatment of NO_X and Particulates of Diesel Engines