
  1. 2006年,现年37岁的黄昆从不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UniversityofBritishColumbia)毕业后,拿着一个商业学位回到中国。

    Huang , now 37 , returned to his native China in 2006 after graduating from the University of British Columbia with a degree in commerce .

  2. 黄昆依然供职于Eos,并表示自己还是想当股票分析师。

    Huang is still working for Eos and says he still wants to be a stock analyst .

  3. 这是特殊的Jahn-Teller效应,它包含定域离域跃迁,这跃迁可以采用和黄昆的多声子无辐射跃迁理论以及Johansson的铈的Yα相变理论等类似的观点来讨论。

    This is a particular type of Jahn-Teller mechanism including a localization-delocalization transition which could be discussed in the similar terms as Huang did for the multiphonon non-radiative transitions and Johansson did for the γ & α transition in cerium .

  4. 黄昆在诉讼文件中称,这进一步激怒了警方。

    That made the police even angrier , Huang said in his lawsuit .

  5. 黄昆对物理学的贡献

    Huang 's Contributions to Physics and Their Significance

  6. 黄昆告诉我,洛阳的监狱是中国最令人难以忍受的监狱。

    Huang told me the Luoyang detention center is the most unbearable imprisonment in China .

  7. Eu~(3+)掺杂的玻璃材料的黄昆因子与无辐射跃迁

    Huang Rhys Factor and Nonradiative Transitions of Eu ~ ( 3 + ) Doped Glasses

  8. 数日之后,黄昆获得保释,但是被禁止离开中国。

    Within a few days , Huang was released on bail , prohibited from leaving China .

  9. 和黄昆一样,虞英曾被判处两年有期徒刑。

    She was sentenced to two years in prison , the same sentence that Huang received .

  10. 12月28日,黄昆在打算从北京飞往香港时被捕。

    Huang was arrested on Dec. 28 when he tried to fly to Hong Kong from Beijing .

  11. 出生于中国的加拿大公民黄昆在中国服刑两年后回到温哥华。

    Kun Huang , a Chinese-born Canadian citizen , is back in Vancouver after spending two years in a Chinese jail .

  12. 他告诉我,黄昆再次被捕,警察这次明确表示这种举动是对那篇文章的直接报复。

    Huang was rearrested , he told me , with police officers making clear that action was directly in retaliation for the column .

  13. 来自靠近矿区的城市洛阳的一名警察警告黄昆,如果不合作,他可能会被关四到五年。

    A police officer from Luoyang , the city closest to the mine , warned him that if he did not cooperate he could spend four or five years in jail .

  14. 本院判定,黄昆清楚地知道,卡恩斯获取产品信息和前述中国企业的照片的目的是做空相关股票,法官写道。

    This court has determined that Huang Kun clearly knew that the purpose of gaining production information and pictures of the said Chinese enterprises , as requested by Carnes , was to short the stocks , the judges wrote .