
  • 网络Academician
  1. 我还在最近召开的两院院士大会上表扬了你。

    I was in the recently held conference academicians praise you .

  2. 目的:了解北京市两院院士口腔卫生状况。

    Objective : To investigate the oral heath status of academicians over 60 years old in Beijing .

  3. 从继承模仿到开拓创新&我国两院院士谈科技创新的基本方法

    From Heritage to Innovation & Talks by the Academicians of both Academies on the Fundamental Methods in Technical Innovation

  4. 本市拥有的两院院士人数占全省总人数的一半以上。

    Academicians of the two academies ( Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering ) in Mianyang account for more than half of those in the Sichuan Province .

  5. 两院院士19人,国家批准有突出贡献的中青年专家17人,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授11人、讲座教授3人,国家杰出青年基金获得者14人。

    It has 19 academicians of either the Chinese Academy of sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering , 17 middle-age experts with outstanding contributions at the national level , 11 special professors of " Cheungkong Scholars Program " , 3 resident professors and 14 recipients of State Outstanding Youth Foundation .

  6. 相对于美国与其他欧洲国家,我国两院女院士人数为98人,比例为5.06%,这个比例在国际水平中较为乐观。

    Relative to American and other European countries , the population of the Chinese female academicians is 98 meanwhile the proportion is 5.06 % and these numbers are relatively high .