
liǎnɡ xìnɡ diàn jiě zhì
  • ampholyte
  1. 该技术是通过加入两性电解质,形成较平滑pH梯度,使样品在等电点处停止电泳。

    This technology can form smooth pH gradient by adding ampholyte and make protein stop electrophoresis at the isoelectric points .

  2. 氨基酸同时含有氨基和羧基,是两性电解质,在水溶液或结晶内基本上均以两性离子或偶极离子的形式存在。

    Because of the amido and carboxyl , amino acid is ampholyte so that it exists as a sort of zwitterions or dipole ionic when it dissolves in the water or in crystal .

  3. 离子键交联的聚两性电解质凝胶在不同pH和不同电解质溶液中溶胀行为研究

    Study of swelling behavior for ionically crosslinked polyampholyte hydrogels in solutions with various pH and electrolytes

  4. 本实验的目的是采用载体两性电解质pH梯度等电聚焦电泳的方法,结合SDS-PAGE测定牛凝血酶的等电点。

    The purpose of the experiment is to assay the isoelectric point of bovine thrombin by carrier ampholytes pH gradient isoelectrofocusing ( IEF ) electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE .

  5. 对第一向为载体两性电解质pH梯度等电聚焦双向电泳(ISO-DALT)中若干影响分离效果的实验条件进行了研究.结果发现,琼脂糖和尿素的纯度明显影响分离效果;

    The effect of several experimental conditions on the result of ISO-DALT was investigated in this paper .

  6. 离子键交联聚两性电解质凝胶在电场作用下的溶蚀现象

    Erosion phenomenon of ionically crosslinked polyampholyte gels under DC electric fields

  7. 应用国产两性电解质对动物血红蛋白谱型的分析

    Analysis of band type of animal HB by IEF technique with domestic ampholyte

  8. 该计算公式也可应用到蛋白质、氨基酸等两性电解质的线性滴定分析上。

    It can also be applied to determine ampholyte such as protein and amino acid .

  9. 对近十年国内外在聚两性电解质及其水凝胶的合成、性质及在工业、生物医药方面的应用作了较全面的综述。

    We review the recent research advances of polyampholytes and polyampholytes hydrogels in synthesis , properties and application in industry and biomedical field .

  10. 通过调整两性电解质比例对现有等电点聚焦电泳分析法进行改良,可将谷蛋白酸性亚基和碱性亚基分别分划为13和14条多肽带。

    More than 13 acidic and 14 basic bands may be distinguished with an improved iso-electric focus electrophoresis system by adjusting Ampholine ratios .

  11. 因此,离子交联的聚两性电解质水凝胶可能具有独特的电场响应行为,有可能开发为电场控释给药载体材料。

    So this ionic crosslinked polyampholyte hydrogel may have dual stimulating response behavior , they might be used for electro-controlling drug delivery material .

  12. 离子交联聚两性电解质水凝胶上有带正负两种电荷的基团,在正负电荷之间形成了离子交联。

    Ionic crosslinked polyampholyte hydrogels containing both positive and negative charged groups , ionic crosslinkage have fromed between positive and negative charged groups .

  13. 新设计的垂直电泳装置适合用于无机离子的分离,如用于分离两性电解质氨基酸还需进一步研究电泳条件或改进装置。

    The new equipment can be applied to separate inorganic ions and some improvements for equipment and further research on conditions of electrophoresis should be undertaken to separate ampholyte amino acid .

  14. 用考虑溶剂的粘滞力和热浴随机力作用的分子动力学(MD)方法模拟了聚电解质和两性聚电解质溶液的渗透系数。

    Using molecular dynamics ( MD ) simulation considering viscous force from solvent and stochastic force from heat-bath , the osmotic coefficients of polyelectrolyte and polyampholyte solutions are obtained .

  15. 两性聚电解质在黄河高浊度水中的应用

    Application of Polyampholyte in High Turbidity Water of Huanghe River

  16. 两性聚电解质在棉织物直接染料固色方面的应用

    The Application of an Amphoteric Electrolyte in Cotton Fabrics with Direct Dyes

  17. 壳聚糖基两性聚电解质的合成及水溶液环境响应特性研究刺激-响应型水溶性聚合物的研究进展

    Synthesis and Stimuli-responsive Properties of Chitosan-based Zwitterionic Polyelectrolyte The Development of Stimuli-Responsive Water-soluble Polymer

  18. 并将所合成的两性聚电解质作为絮凝剂,首次应用到黄河高浊度水的处理中。

    These polyelectrolytes were applied to treatment of the high turbidity water of the Huanghe River .

  19. 对两性聚电解质在棉织物直接染料固色方面的应用进行了研究,介绍了一种新型两性固色剂的合成与应用。

    The application of an amphoteric electrolyte in cotton fabrics with direct dyes is innovatively researched , and the synthesizing method of an amphoteric colour fixing agent is recommended .

  20. 溶剂介电常数减小,链节间静电作用增强,净电荷比较小的中性或非中性两性聚电解质链倾向于收缩,净电荷比较多的链则膨胀。

    When solvent dielectric constant decreases , the intramolecular electrostatic effect increases , neutral polyampholyte or non-neutral polyampholyte with lesser net charges will be inclined to shrink , while non-neutral polyampholyte with more net charges may be extended .

  21. 强碱弱酸两性树脂吸附电解质机理

    The mechanism of electrolyte absorption onto strong base-weak acid amphoteric resins