
huáng pǔ jūn xiào
  • the Huangpu Military Academy
黄埔军校[huáng pǔ jūn xiào]
  1. 牟:把南德学院建成现阶段培养特殊人才的黄埔军校,建成世界上最好的帅才学校。

    Seeks : Completes the present stage trained special talent the south Germany institute " the Huangpu Military Academy ", completes in the world the best command ability school .

  2. 黄埔军校对现代历史爱好者来说是个特别的地方。

    Huangpu Military Academy is a special place to modern history buffs .

  3. 黄埔军校与国共两党军队的建设

    HuangPu Military School and the Army Building of KMT-CCP Parties

  4. 近二十年黄埔军校研究综述

    A Summary of Researches in Past Twenty Years on Huangpu Military School

  5. 论前苏联对创建黄埔军校的贡献

    On the contribution of the Soviet Union to the foundation of the Whampoa Military Academy

  6. 后在保定军官学校和黄埔军校的学习,促使其形成军事战略思想和爱国主义观念。

    His later experience in the Baoding Military Academy contributed to his strategic thought of military and his idea of patriotism .

  7. 首次国共合作时期的黄埔军校堪称是国共两党合办和共同培育造就军政干部的摇篮。

    HuangPu Military School of the first KMT-CCP cooperation period was the cradle by KMT-CCP Parties to train the military and political cadres .

  8. 从此,广东成为了中国国民革命的摇篮,黄埔军校成为了中国革命的熔炉。

    From then on , Guangzhou became the cradle of national revolution in China , and Huangpu Military Academy became the furnace of revolution in China .

  9. 黄埔军校是在国共合作和苏联的推动与帮助下,由孙中山倡导组建的。

    Huangpu Military Academy was advocated to be established by Sun Yat-sen in the KMT-CPC cooperation and the promotion with the help of the Soviet Union .

  10. 项目寻找素有“中国酒店黄埔军校”之美誉的广州花园酒店合作,旨在嫁接其先进的经营理念、管理模式。

    Look for projects known as " China 's Whampoa Military Academy Hotel ," the reputation of the Guangzhou Garden Hotel co-operation to graft its advanced management , and management .

  11. 早年他担任黄埔军校校长,为建立革命军队,培养军事骨干力量做了一定工作。

    Early years he served as president of the Whampoa Military Academy , for the establishment of the revolutionary army , the backbone of military training to do a certain job .

  12. 第一部分,黄埔军校思想政治教育在借鉴苏联红军建军模式的基础上,创立了军校党代表制度和政治部。

    The first part , the Whampoa Military Academy ' ideological and political education established the military academy party representative system and the political department in the foundation of profits from the Soviet Red Army founding an armed force pattern .

  13. 第三部分,黄埔军校思想政治教育坚持军事教育与政治教育并重,为中国革命培养了大批军事政治人才。

    The third part , the Whampoa Military Academy Ideological and political education insisted to pay equal attention to the military education and the political education , and had trained large quantities of military and political talented person for China revolutionizes .

  14. 创办黄埔军校,加强政治教育,树立以党领军的典范,成立党军,鼓励军人入党,强化了党对军队的直接领导,改旧军为国民革命军,初步建立起政工制度。

    A model of party leader and the establishment of party-military were formed . To encourage soldiers to join the party , the direct leadership of the party was strengthened . The old army was named as the National Revolutionary Army .