
xī bó lái rén
  • Hebrew
  1. 希尔伯特&黄变换(HHT)与地震动时程的希尔伯特谱属于、关于希伯来人的,或有希伯来人特征的。

    Hilbert-Huang Transform and Hilbert Spectrum of Earthquake Ground Motion ; of or relating to or characteristic of the Hebrews .

  2. 希伯来人牧首(patriarch),以撒(Isaac)之子,亚伯拉罕之孙,以色列人传统上以他为祖先。

    Hebrew patriarch , son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham , and the traditional ancestor of the people of Israel .

  3. 探究希伯来人为何要成为奴隶。

    Why a Hebrew or any man must be a slave .

  4. 卡巴拉是古代希伯来人神秘思想系统。

    The Kabala is an ancient Hebrew mystical system of thought .

  5. 而他是唯一一个并非作奴隶的希伯来人。

    Moses was the only free man among the Hebrews .

  6. 从《创世纪》看古希伯来人的原始婚姻观

    A glimpse of Hebrew 's attitudes towards marriage through Genesis

  7. 犹太历(希伯来人用的阴阳合历)自有历史以来就有战争。

    The Jewish calendar Throughout history men have waged war .

  8. 没错,那正是希伯来人的想法。

    Yes , that 's just what the Hebrews thought .

  9. 那个会解放希伯来人的拯救者在哪里?

    Where is this would-be deliverer who would set the Hebrews free ?

  10. 希伯来人的宗教是一个有远见的信仰。

    The Hebrew religion was a forward looking faith .

  11. 希伯来人的繁荣犹如昙花一现。

    The prosperity of the Hebrew people was short-lived .

  12. 古代希伯来人在祭坛上杀动物作为给神的祭品。

    The ancient Hebrews killed animals on the altars as sacrifices to God .

  13. 逾越节是希伯来人离开埃及的日子。

    Passover was the day the Hebrews left Egypt .

  14. 我宁愿减少歌珊地的砖头和希伯来人的数目。

    I would still see fewer bricks made and fewer Hebrews in goshen .

  15. 在希伯来人的历史上再没有富足可言。

    There is no more wealth in Hebrew history .

  16. 她不是希伯来人为何会带来这里?

    Memnet was not a hebrew , why would she bring this here ?

  17. 他们说,希伯来人的神遇见了我们。

    And they said , the God of the Hebrews has met with us .

  18. 有些希伯来人过了约旦河,逃到迦得和基列地。

    Some Hebrews even crossed the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead .

  19. 带领了希伯来人对抗米甸人。

    Who led the Israelites against the midianites .

  20. 你们希伯来人只会惹麻烦。

    You Hebrews have been nothing but trouble .

  21. 它是希伯来人占王国以色列的首都。

    It is the ancient capital of the kingdom of the hebrews , israel .

  22. 埃及人,还是希伯来人,我依旧是摩西。

    Egyptian or Hebrew I am still Moses .

  23. 希伯来人短暂的荣华与所罗门王的统治同时结束。

    With the reign of Ring Solomon the brief glory of the Hebrews ends .

  24. 上帝给希伯来人奴隶送去了摩西。

    God sent the Hebrew slaves moses .

  25. 约翰瞒着罗马霸主们把讯息隐秘地写给了同是希伯来人的伙伴。

    John was a Hebrew writing to Hebrews and hiding the information from the Roman overlords .

  26. 希伯来人用放在线下的母音符号。

    Hebrew has sublinear vowel sign .

  27. 从现存的文献来看,希伯来人可就具有独特的品格。

    The people , however , judging by the surviving literature , have a peculiar character .

  28. 希伯来人认为这些天使是以色列土地的守护神。

    These angels , the Hebrews believed , were the guardians of the land of Israel .

  29. 我天生具有希伯来人的说服才能,但我把它转换成了自我陶醉。

    Sid Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion , but I converted to narcissism .

  30. 扫罗在遍地吹角,意思说,要使希伯来人听见。

    And Saul blew the trumpet throughout all the land , saying , let the Hebrews hear !